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BarleyExpDB is a user-friendly, integrated, multifaceted RNA-seq database that allows users to conveniently retrieve gene expression from barley RNA-seq libraries and returns an intuitive visual display, accompanied by functional descriptions and annotations from GO, KEGG, PFAM, and SMART. Our database contains a total of 56 transcriptome studies, including 3,492 samples covering different developmental stages and tissues, biotic and abiotic stresses, and various mutants and populations (e.g., RIL and NIL). Details are listed in the table below. The platform also provides several useful toolkits implementing search, BLAST and download functions. We believe that BarleyExpDB will help make RNA-seq big data more accessible and available to the barley research community.

Note: The RNA-seq datasets were downloaded from the NCBI-SRA database to study the expression patterns of barley genes. Quality control was performed with Trimmomatic v0.36. Hisat2 v2.1.0 and StringTie v1.3.5 software were used to calculate fragments per kilobase of transcript per million mapped reads (FPKM) values for each gene with default parameters.

Summary of studies

SRA BioProject Title Publication NGS technology Description
PRJEB14349 RNA-Seq of 16 developmental stages of barley (Morex cultivar). A chromosome conformation capture ordered sequence of the barley genome Illumina HiSeq 2000 Cereal grasses of the Triticeae tribe have been the major food source in temperate regions since the dawn of agriculture. Their large genomes are characterized by a high content of repetitive elements and large pericentromeric regions that are virtually devoid of meiotic recombination. Here we present a high-quality reference genome assembly for barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). We use chromosome conformation capture mapping to derive the linear order of sequences across the pericentromeric space and to investigate the spatial organization of chromatin in the nucleus at megabase resolution. The composition of genes and repetitive elements differs between distal and proximal regions. Gene family analyses reveal lineage-specific duplications of genes involved in the transport of nutrients to developing seeds and the mobilization of carbohydrates in grains. We demonstrate the importance of the barley reference sequence for breeding by inspecting the genomic partitioning of sequence variation in modern elite germplasm, highlighting regions vulnerable to genetic erosion.
PRJDB4754 Hordeum vulgare Transcriptome or Gene expression. Extreme Suppression of Lateral Floret Development by a Single Amino Acid Change in the VRS1 Transcription Factor Illumina HiSeq 2500 Total RNA was extracted from immature spikes at the awn primordium stage of cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Total RNA was measured by using Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer (Agilent Technologies, Technologies, PaloAlto, CA, USA) and used for construction of sequencing library. Strand-specific RNA libraries were prepared using the TruSeq Stranded mRNA Sample Prep Kit (Illumina) following the instructions in the TruSeq Stranded mRNA Sample Preparation Guide Rev.E (Illumina). Poly(A)-RNA was fragmented and single-strand and double-strand cDNA were synthesized. High-throughput sequencing was conducted using HiSeq 2500 (Illumina, San Diego, CA, USA).
PRJEB19243 Barley SIX-ROWED SPIKE3 encodes a putative Jumonji C-type H3K9me2/me3 demethylase that represses lateral spikelet fertility. Barley SIX-ROWED SPIKE3 encodes a putative Jumonji C-type H3K9me2/me3 demethylase that represses lateral spikelet fertility Illumina HiSeq 2500 The barley inflorescence (spike) comprises a multi-noded central stalk (rachis) with tri-partite clusters of uni-floretted spikelets attached alternately along its length. Relative fertility of lateral spikelets within each cluster leads to spikes with two or six rows of grain, or an intermediate morphology. Understanding the mechanisms controlling this key developmental step could provide novel solutions to enhanced grain yield. Classical genetic studies identified five major SIX-ROWED SPIKE (VRS) genes, with four now known to encode transcription factors. Here we identify and characterise the remaining major VRS gene, VRS3, as encoding a putative Jumonji C-type H3K9me2/me3 demethylase, a regulator of chromatin state. Exploring the expression network modulated by VRS3 reveals specific interactions, both with other VRS genes and genes involved in stress, hormone and sugar metabolism. We show that combining a vrs3 mutant allele with natural six-rowed alleles of VRS1 and VRS5 leads to increased lateral grain size and greater grain uniformity.
PRJEB21740 RNA-seq of enriched barley stomatal complexes versus total leaves. A Tandem Amino Acid Residue Motif in Guard Cell SLAC1 Anion Channel of Grasses Allows for the Control of Stomatal Aperture by Nitrate Illumina HiSeq 3000 We intend to identify transporters and their regulators involved in barley stomatal movement as well as components of the ABA signaling pathway. We isolated epidermal peels where only stomatal guard cells and their subsidiary cells survived, while other epidermal cell were mechanically disrupted and sequenced the resulting RNAs. Thus we analyzed transcripts differentially expressed between the barley stomatal complex and total leaves. These data served as the first overview of genes expressed in the stomatal complex and for cloning of relevant transporters.
PRJEB25969 Transcriptome analysis on mature, non aged seeds of the spring barley landraces Cebada Capa and L94 and L94 NILs by RNA sequencing. Genes for seed longevity in barley identified by genomic analysis on near isogenic lines Illumina HiSeq 2000 Widespread natural variation in barley offers an opportunity to study seed longevity in an important temperate cereal crop. For example, the spring barley landraces Cebada Capa (Argentina) and L94 (Ethiopia) display long and short-term seed longevity, respectively. We have used this contrast to identify and characterize seed longevity genes in barley by RNA sequencing analysis of mature, non aged seeds of Near Isogenic Lines (NILs) with a L94 background but harboring introgressions from Cebada Capa in four putative QTLs on chromosomes 1H and 2H.
PRJNA275710 Next generation sequencing reveals gene transcription activities and alternative splicing events in germinating barley embryos. Involvement of Alternative Splicing in Barley Seed Germination Illumina HiSeq 2000 Seed germination triggers a transition of growth and metabolic activities from quiescent to active statuses. Germinating seeds is a good system to study many biological and biochemical processes including hormone metabolic activities and cell wall biosynthesis. Next generation sequence technology is used to study these processes. We have examined gene transcription activities and alternative splicing events in germinating embryos Overall design: We dissected barley embryos from four barley varieties at 2 time points 24 h and 48 h.
PRJNA378334 Leaf transcriptome sequencing of several barley accessions. An ancient integration in a plant NLR is maintained as a trans-species polymorphism Illumina HiSeq 2500 RNAseq was performed on several barley accessions that vary for their reaction to wheat stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici) to identify markers and understand the gene content at the Rps7 (Resistant to Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici 7) locus. The majority of accessions were sequenced at 100 bp paired end, except CI 16147 which had 150 bp paired end reads. RNAseq read quality was assessed and trimmed using Trimmomatic (version 0.32) with the parameters ILLUMINACLIP:2:30:10, LEADING:3, TRAILING:3, SLIDINGWINDOW:4:15, and MINLEN:100. Transcriptome assembly was performed using Tophat (version 2013-11-10) with default parameters.
PRJNA378723 Leaf transcriptome sequencing and assembly of several barley accessions. An ancient integration in a plant NLR is maintained as a trans-species polymorphism Illumina HiSeq 2500 RNAseq was performed on several barley accessions to understand their diversity, with an emphasis on the class of plant immune receptors that contain nucleotide-binding, leucine-rich repeats (NB-LRR). The accessions were sequenced at either 100 bp or 150 bp paired end, except CI 16147 which had 150 bp paired end reads. RNAseq read quality was assessed and trimmed using Trimmomatic (version 0.32) with the parameters ILLUMINACLIP:2:30:10, LEADING:3, TRAILING:3, SLIDINGWINDOW:4:15, and MINLEN:100. Transcriptome assembly was performed using Tophat (version 2013-11-10) with default parameters.
PRJNA396950 RNA sequencing of Hordeum vulgare near-isogenic lines. Six-Rowed Spike3 (VRS3) Is a Histone Demethylase That Controls Lateral Spikelet Development in Barley. Illumina HiSeq 2500 RNA sequencing of ILs of vrs1, vrs3, vrs4 and int-c.5 in cv. Bowman Purpose: Expression analysis and variant calling Overall design: Enriched apical meristem tissue was isolated at Waddington stage (W) 3.5 and W5.0. The samples were harvested at the middle of the day, 6 to 8 h before the end of the light period.
PRJNA428086 Differential expression profiling of microspores during the early stages of isolated microspore culture in barley using the embryogenic-responsive cultivar Gobernadora. Differential Expression Profiling of Microspores During the Early Stages of Isolated Microspore Culture Using the Responsive Barley Cultivar Gobernadora Illumina HiSeq 2000 mRNA library from Illumina TrueSeq; Barley (Hordeum vulgare ssp. vulgare; cv. Gobernadora) starting material in barley androgenesis: uninucleate and haploid microspores (Day 0), microspore after stress pre-treatment (Day 2) and microspore after three days in embryogenesis culture (Day 5).
PRJNA496380 Barley seed germination. Temporal tissue-specific regulation of transcriptomes during barley (Hordeum vulgare) seed germination NextSeq 500 To investigate cell-type specific genome regulation during germination, we have applied laser-capture microdissection RNA sequencing to three tissues of barley seeds that have distinct functions (plumules, radicles and scutellum).
PRJNA558196 Hordeum vulgare anther and meiocyte transcriptome. Barley Anther and Meiocyte Transcriptome Dynamics in Meiotic Prophase I Illumina NextSeq We performed Illumina sequencing of cytologically staged isolated barley anthers at four differend timepoints and purified meiocytes and two different timepoints. We also included three IsoSeq PacBio libraries from a mixture of the above stages.
PRJEB39672 Transcriptional landscape of floral meristem fates in barley. Transcriptional landscapes of floral meristems in barley Illumina HiSeq 2500 Laser capture microdissection (LCM)-based RNA-seq of barley spike tissues. Inflorescence meristems (IM), leaf ridges (LR) and spikelet ridges (SR), central (CS) and lateral spikelets (CS) were isolated at six initial stages of barley spike development ranging from double ridge (DR) to awn primordium (AP) stage. Control samples of vegetative meristems (vegetative apex (VA), root apical meristem (RAM), leaf blade (LB)) and different growth conditions (shading/stress) are also included in the data set for comparison to spike tissues. Four biological replicates were generated from each tissue-type (exception of triplicate samples for vegetative meristems) resulting in 209 RNA-seq samples.
PRJEB12540 RNAseq transcriptome assembly and expression profiling of a drought-control experiment with barley cultivar Scarlett and Spanish landrace SBCC073. Large Differences in Gene Expression Responses to Drought and Heat Stress between Elite Barley Cultivar Scarlett and a Spanish Landrace Illumina HiSeq 2000 Plants from barley cultivar Scarlett and barley Spanish landrace SBCC073 were grown until maturity in both greenhouse and growth chamber. Then, plants were irrigated every two days to maintain 70 and 20% RWC in the growth chamber and 50% RWC in the greenhouse. Samples from leaves and developing flowers were obtained after one month of treatment. RNA was obtained from 2 or 3 biological replicates of both genotypes, tissues and treatments. RNA from a total 28 samples was sequenced in a single Illumina Hiseq 2000 flowcell.
PRJEB13621 A study of transcriptome response to salt treatment across three zones of the root in a barley landrace and malting cultivar De novo transcriptome assembly and analysis of differentially expressed genes of two barley genotypes reveal root-zone-specific responses to salt exposure Illumina HiSeq 2000 Paired-end RNA-Seq libraries were constructed for three root sections of the roots of barley cv. Clipper, and landrace Sahara, grown under control and salt-treated (100 mM NaCl) conditions on agar plates in quadruplicate. Experiments were conducted in a temperature-controlled growth cabinet at 17 °C in the dark. After three days of germination, seminal roots were dissected according to the following steps: A 1.5 mm long section marked ‘Zone 1’ (meristematic zone) was taken from the root tip. A second section (‘Zone 2’) was dissected from the elongation zone up to a third section, ‘Zone 3’ (maturation zone), which was excised at the point of visible root hair elongation up to 3⁄4 of the entire root. Four biological replicates were generated for each sample in four separate experiments totaling 48 samples. All RNA-seq libraries were constructed and paired-end sequenced (100 bp) on an Illumina HiSeq 2000 system at the Australian Genome Research Facility (Melbourne, Australia).
PRJEB18276 Transcriptional responses to cold in five Pooideae species Evolution of Cold Acclimation and Its Role in Niche Transition in the Temperate Grass Subfamily Pooideae Illumina HiSeq 2000 To investigate the evolution of cold response in Pooideae, five species spanning early to later diverging lineages were sampled before and after subjecting them to a drop in temperature (17°C to 6°C), shorter days (12 to 8 hours of light) and less intensive light. Short-term response was sampled in the afternoon 8 hours after drop in temperature but 24 hours after the respective control sample to control for diurnal rhythm. Long-term response was sampled after 4 and 9 weeks in the morning directly after lights were turned on with a respective control sample also taken in the morning on the day before the temperature drop.
PRJEB40905 Comparative hormonal and expression analyses of two barley genotypes with contrasting drought tolerance. The Effect of Drought on Transcriptome and Hormonal Profiles in Barley Genotypes With Contrasting Drought Tolerance Illumina NovaSeq 6000 Barley is negatively impacted by drought stress. In this study, comparative hormonal and expression profiling were conducted between drought tolerant and drought sensitive barley genotypes. The results revealed less changes in the expression profile of the tolerant genotype compared to the sensitive genotype. The expression level of some drought tolerance genes was higher in the drought tolerant genotype compared to the sensitive genotype. Moreover, few drought tolerance genes were uniquely and highly induced in the drought tolerant genotype. These results shed light into new mechanisms of drought tolerance in barley. This will deepen our understanding of the complex drought response in barley, and will help in the improvement of drought tolerant barley genotypes.
PRJEB8748 Expression profiling of developing barley main shoot apices and leaves during the vegetative phase and early inflorescence development in response to the photoperiod and natural allelic variation at Ppd-H1 Global Transcriptome Profiling of Developing Leaf and Shoot Apices Reveals Distinct Genetic and Environmental Control of Floral Transition and Inflorescence Development in Barley Illumina HiSeq 2000 The timing of reproductive development determines spike architecture and thus yield in temperate grasses such as barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Reproductive development in barley is controlled by the photoperiod response gene Ppd-H1 which accelerates flowering time under long-day (LD) conditions. A natural mutation in Ppd-H1 prevalent in spring barley causes a reduced photoperiod response, and thus, late flowering under LD. However, it is not very well understood how LD and Ppd-H1 control pre-anthesis development, and thus spike architecture and yield in barley. We performed a detailed morphological analysis of the pre-anthesis development in the spring barley cultivar Scarlett and its wild barley derived introgression line S42-IL107, carrying the photoperiod responsive Ppd-H1 allele. Characterization of shoot apex development in these genotypes indicated that floral transition and initiation of floral primordia occurred under LD (16h light/ 8h dark) and short day (SD, 8h light/ 16h dark) conditions, while inflorescence and seed development strictly required LDs. Additionally, a fast photoperiod response in the presence of the dominant Ppd-H1 allele promoted floret fertility under LDs. To characterize the effects of the photoperiod and allelic variation at Ppd-H1 on gene expression during pre-anthesis development we performed RNA sequencing of leaves and developing main shoot apices during the vegetative phase and early stages of inflorescence development in Scarlett and S42-IL107 grown under SD and LD conditions. Main shoot apices of both genotypes were sampled at defined developmental stages, i.e. Waddington stage W0.5, W1.0, W2.0 and W3.5, respectively. Leaf samples were harvested from plants before (W1.0) and after floral transition (W2.0). We identified genes that were specifically regulated at floral transition independent of day-length and Ppd-H1 and thus may serve as markers for the staging of floral transition. Furthermore, we identified transcripts differentially expressed between photoperiods and between genotypes in leaves and in shoot apices. This set of transcripts might act as candidates downstream of Ppd-H1 and are correlated with the promotion of shoot apex development and higher floret fertility under LD and in the presence of the photoperiod responsive Ppd-H1 allele.
PRJNA294716 Hordeum vulgare cultivar:M69, Lacey and Chevron Transcriptome or Gene expression. Differential transcriptomic responses to Fusarium graminearum infection in two barley quantitative trait loci associated with Fusarium head blight resistance Illumina HiSeq 2500 Fusarium graminearum infects barley spikes and causes Fusarium head blight (FHB), a major disease problem worldwide. Resistance to FHB is partial and controlled by quantitative trait loci (QTL) of which two are located on barley chromosomes 2H bin8 (2Hb8) and 6H bin7 (6Hb7). To understand the molecular mechanisms of FHB resistance, transcriptomes of near-isogenic lines (NILs) carrying Chevron-derived resistant alleles for the two QTL and recurrent parents (M69 and Lacey) were investigated with RNA sequencing after F. graminearum or mock inoculation. A total of 2,083 FHB-responsive transcripts were detected and provide a gene expression atlas for the barley-F. graminearum interaction. Comparative analysis of the 2Hb8 resistant (R) NIL and M69 revealed that the 2Hb8 R NIL exhibited an elevated defense response in the absence of fungal infection and responded quicker than M69 upon fungal infection. The 6Hb7 R NIL displayed a more rapid induction of a set of defense genes than Lacey during the early stage of fungal infection. Overlap of differentially accumulated genes were identified between the two R NILs, suggesting that certain defense mechanisms may represent basal resistance to F. graminearum and/or general biotic stress response and were co-regulated by the two QTL. Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) have emerged as potential key regulators of transcription. A total of 12,366 lncRNAs were identified of which 604 were FHB responsive. The current transcriptomic analysis revealed the differential mechanisms conferred by two QTL in response to F. graminearum infection and identified genes and lncRNAs that were associated with FHB resistance.
PRJNA315041 Hordeum vulgare subsp. vulgare cultivar:Morex Transcriptome or Gene expression RNA-seq reveals few differences in resistant and susceptible responses of barley to infection by the spot blotch pathogen Bipolaris sorokiniana Illumina HiSeq 2000 The purpose of this study was to characterize the transcriptomic response of Morex (which carries durable resistance to Cochliobolus sativus Isolate ND85F) to a susceptible Morex mutant.
PRJNA324116 RNA-seq (strand-specific library) of barley shoots and roots from control and heat conditions. Heat Stress Affects Pi-related Genes Expression and Inorganic Phosphate Deposition/Accumulation in Barley Illumina HiSeq 2000 Samples were collected after 1 h of the heat treatment. Samples were collected for control and heat stressed plants. Overall design: RNA-seq was performed for shoot (in triplicate for each condition) and root (in duplicate for each condition).
PRJNA378582 RNA research on glucan content of hulless barley EORNA, a barley gene and transcript abundance database HiSeq X Ten Identification of glucan content related genes by RNA-Seq.
PRJNA382490 Transcriptome of barley under three different heavy metal stress conditions. Transcriptome of barley under three different heavy metal stress reaction Illumina HiSeq 2000 The aim of the study is to identify gene regulated by three heavy metal: copper, zinc and cadmium.
PRJNA400519 Hordeum vulgare Raw sequence reads. Reference gene selection for quantitative RT-PCR normalisation in barley under low-nitrogen stress, based on RNAseq data Illumina HiSeq 2000 RNA sequencing of Hordeum vulgare L. under low nitrogen stress.
PRJNA430281 RNA-seq transcriptome profiling of barley under Pi starvation and recovery conditions Molecular Mechanisms of Acclimatization to Phosphorus Starvation and Recovery Underlying Full-Length Transcriptome Profiling in Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) HiSeq X Ten RNA-seq transcriptome profiling of barley under Pi starvation and recovery conditions
PRJNA439267 Barley seminal root zone specific gene expression in response to water deficit. Osmotic stress enhances suberization of apoplastic barriers in barley seminal roots: analysis of chemical, transcriptomic and physiological responses Illumina HiSeq 4000 Barley seminal roots were divided into three zones according their developmental stage. Transcript changes by RNA-seq in response to water deficit were measured.
PRJNA755156 BaRTv2: A highly resolved barley reference transcriptome for accurate transcript-specific RNA-seq quantification. BaRTv2: A highly resolved barley reference transcriptome for accurate transcript-specific RNA-seq quantification Illumina NovaSeq 6000 BaRTv2 represents a new and improved Reference Transcript Dataset built upon a broad framework of highly informative Pacbio Iso-seq full length transcripts incorporating accurate SJ, TSS and TES information. It is based upon the European 2-row spring barley cv. Barke which itself is highly relevant to contemporary barley agriculture and current research. The combination of the novel Iso-seq analysis and filtering pipeline, the new automated quality control pipeline for short read assembled transcripts and detailed transcript characterisation and annotation make BaRTv2 a high-quality community-wide reference dataset.
PRJNA566107 Low nitrogen tolerance related study in barley. Novel low-nitrogen stress-responsive long non-coding RNAs (lncRNA) in barley landrace B968 (Liuzhutouzidamai) at seedling stage HiSeq X Ten Reducing the dependence of crop production on chemical fertilizer with its associated costs, carbon footprint and other environmental problems is a challenge for agriculture. New solutions are required to solve this problem, and crop breeding for high nitrogen use efficiency or tolerance of low nitrogen availability has been thought to be a promising approach. However, the molecular mechanisms of high nitrogen use efficiency or low-nitrogen tolerance in crop plants are still to be elucidated, including the role of long non-coding RNAs.
PRJNA602700 Genome-Wide analysis of gene expression responses to waterlogging stress in roots of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Genome-Wide Analysis of Gene Expression Provides New Insights into Waterlogging Responses in Barley (Hordeum vulgare L). Illumina HiSeq 4000 Waterlogging is a major abiotic stress causing oxygen depletion and carbon dioxide accumulation in the rhizosphere. Barley is more susceptible to waterlogging stress than other cereals. To gain a better understanding of the effect of waterlogging stress in barley, we carried out a genome-wide gene expression analysis in roots of Yerong and Deder2 barley genotypes under waterlogging and control (well-watered) conditions by RNA-Sequencing, using Illumina HiSeq 4000 platform. Overall design: Two-week-old Yerong and Deder2 seedlings were exposed to waterlogging treatment. Root tissue samples were collected at the time-points 0 and 72 h of treatment for Yerong from both treated and control plants, and at the points 0, 72, and 120 h of treatment for Deder2 from both treated and control plants. Total RNA was prepared and used for the RNA-seq analysis. Four independent biological replicates were used for each plant sample.
PRJNA704034 Transcriptome analysis of barley root meristem under Al and low pH stress. Aluminum or Low pH – Which Is the Bigger Enemy of Barley? Transcriptome Analysis of Barley Root Meristem Under Al and Low pH Stress Illumina HiSeq 4000 Aluminum (Al) is the most common metal in the Earth’s crust and Al toxicity is considered to be the most harmful abiotic stress in acidic soils that today comprise more than 50% of the world’s arable lands. The first symptom of Al toxicity is the reduction of root growth, resulting in decreased water and nutrients uptake, plant growth retardation, and finally, yield reduction. Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), which is the fourth cereal crop in regards to cultivation area and production tonnage, belongs to crops most sensitive to toxic aluminum ions in low pH soils. We present the RNA-seq transcriptome analysis of root meristems of barley seedlings grown in hydroponics at optimal pH (6.0), low pH (4.0), and low pH with Al (10 µM of bioavailable Al3+ ions). Two independent experiments were conducted: with short-term (24 h) and long-term (7 days) Al treatment. Interestingly, in the short-term experiment, more genes were differentially expressed between root meristems grown at pH=6.0 and pH=4.0, than between those grown at pH=4.0 with and without Al treatment. The upregulated genes that were overrepresented at conditions of low pH, compared to optimal pH, were associated with response to oxidative stress, cell wall organization, and iron ion binding. Among genes downregulated by low pH were mainly those related to chromatin organization. These results show that low pH itself is a severe stress for barley plants. Among genes upregulated by short Al treatment, overrepresented were those related to response to stress condition and calcium ion binding. After 7 days of hydroponics, the number of DEGs between hydroponics at pH=4.0 and 6.0 were still high but lower than in the short-term experiment, which suggests that plants partially adapted to the low pH. Interestingly, 7 day Al treatment caused massive changes in the transcriptome profile compared to the condition of low pH alone. Over 4 000 genes were upregulated and almost 2 000 genes were downregulated by long-term Al stress. These DEGs were related to e.g. stress response, cell wall development and metal ion transport. Based on our results we can assume that both, Al3+ ions and low pH are harmful to barley plants.Additionally, we phenotyped in detail the root system of barley seedlings grown in the same hydroponic conditions for 7 days at pH=6.0, pH=4.0, and pH=4.0 with Al. The results correspond to transcriptomic data and show that low pH itself is a stress facor that causes a significant reduction of root growth and the addition of aluminum further increases this reduction. It should be underlined that in the acidic arable lands, plants are exposed simultaneously to both of these stresses (low pH and Al), as Al becomes soluble at pH below 5.5. The presented transcriptome analysis may help to find potential targets for breeding barley plants more tolerant to such conditions. Overall design: We examined the influence of low pH and aluminum on transcriptome of barley root meristems in two independent hydroponic experiments (short- and long-term). Root meristems from at least 8 plants from one hydroponic container were considered as one repetition (with an average of 5 root meristems per plant). Each experimental combination (optimal pH=6, low pH=4 and Al treated) was analyzed in three replicates in both experiments.
PRJNA728113 Transcriptome alterations of an in vitro-selected, moderately-resistant, two-row malting barley in response to 3ADON, 15ADON and NIV chemotypes of Fusarium graminearium. Transcriptome Alterations of an in vitro-Selected, Moderately Resistant, Two-Row Malting Barley in Response to 3ADON, 15ADON, and NIV Chemotypes of Fusarium graminearum Illumina HiSeq 4000 Fusarium head blight caused by Fusarium graminearum is a devastating disease of malting barley. Mycotoxins associated with contaminated grain can be transferred from malt to beer and pose a health risk to consumers. In western Canada, F. graminearum has undergone an adaptive shift from 15ADON constituency to dominance by virulent 3ADON-producers, likewise NIV-producers have established in regions of southern United States. Lack of adapted resistance sources with adequate malting quality has promoted the use of alternative breeding methodologies such as in vitro selection. We studied the low-deoxynivalenol characteristic of in vitro selected, two-row malting barley variety ‘Norman’ by RNAseq in contrast to its parental line ‘CDC Kendall’, when infected by 15ADON-, 3ADON- and NIV-producing isolates of F. graminearum. The current study documents higher mycotoxin accumulation by 3ADON isolates, thereby representing increased threat to barley production. At 72-96 hours post infection, significant alterations in transcription patterns were observed in both varieties with pronounced upregulation of the phenylpropanoid pathway and detoxification gene categories (UGT, GST, CyP450 and ABC) particularly in 3ADON treatment. Defense response was multi-tiered, where differential expression in ‘Norman’ associated with antimicrobial peptides (thionin 2.1, defensing, non-specific lipid-transfer protein) and stress-related proteins such as late embryogenesis abundant proteins, heat-shock, desiccation-related and a peroxidase (HvPrx5). Several gene targets identified in ‘Norman’ would be useful in application of breeding varieties with reduced deoxynivalenol content. Overall design: Adult plants of Norman and CDC Kendall were sprayed with macroconidia (5 x 10^4 spores ml-1) of Fusarium graminearum (3ADON, 15ADON and NIV chemotypes + mock control). Seed tissue samples were collected at the time-points 72 h and 96h post-inoculation for Norman and CDC Kendall from all Fusarium treated and control plants. Total RNA was prepared and used for the RNA-seq analysis. Three independent biological replicates were sampled.
PRJNA744693 RNA-seq analysis of barley leaves responding to waterlogging stress. Cultivar-, stress duration- and leaf age-specific hub genes and co-expression networks responding to waterlogging in barley Illumina HiSeq 2500 cultivar-, waterlogging stage- and leaf age- specific hub genes and regulatory networks in baley leaves were revealed under waterlogging stress.
PRJEB4947 Illumina sequencing of RNA from 14 wild barley samples (Hordeum spontaneum). A walk on the wild side: mining wild wheat and barley collections for rust resistance genes Illumina Genome Analyzer II In this study 14 wild barley samples (Hordeum spontaneum) from the World Barley Diversity Collection (WBDC) were selected to represent as much as possible of the full diversity for the wild species. Seeds were grown at room temperature in the dark. After 4 days post-germination, embryonic tissue (coleoptile, mesocotyl and seminal roots) was dissected and flash-frozen. Total RNA was extracted and cDNA prepared. Sequencing was carried out on an Illumina GAII instrument using standard TruSeq RNA (Illumina) library generation, with single-end 75bp reads obtained from a single lane for each sample. The following samples were used: WBDC032, WBDC115, WBDC170, WBDC182, WBDC255, WBDC319, WBDC344, WBDC016, WBDC035, WBDC142, WBDC173, WBDC227, WBDC307, WBDC336.
PRJNA261456 Hordeum vulgare Transcriptome or Gene expression. Transcriptome profiling reveals mosaic genomic origins of modern cultivated barley Illumina HiSeq 2000 We hypothesized that the genome segments of cultivated barley should show certain similarity with its ancestral wild barley. Instead of whole genome sequences, we employed RNA-Seq to investigated the genomic origin of modern cultivated barley using some representative wild barley genotypes from the Near East and Tibet, and representative world-wide selections of cultivated barley.
PRJNA507455 Hordeum spontaneum Genome Sequencing Using RNA Seq. - Illumina HiSeq 2500 Ten populations of wild barley (Hordeum spontaneum) were collected 28 years apart. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were detected using RNA Seq sequences. Focus was placed on those SNPs that were deleterious and associated with the two sample times to examine the change in diversity over time.
PRJNA665933 Transcriptome analysis of leaves and roots in 10 wild barley from Tabigha Evolution Slope. Multi-Omics Analysis Reveals the Mechanism Underlying the Edaphic Adaptation in Wild Barley at Evolution Slope (Tabigha) Illumina HiSeq 4000 Transcriptome analysis of leaves and roots in 10 wild barley from Tabigha Evolution Slope.
PRJNA744021 Transcriptome raw data of 29 barley samples Transcriptome and Metabolite Insights into Domestication Process of Cultivated Barley in China HiSeq X Ten Barley RNA-SEQ for evolution.
PRJNA491382 Transcriptome analysis of barley epidermal cells under drought stresses Overexpression of HvAKT1 improves drought tolerance in barley by regulating root ion homeostasis and ROS and NO signaling Illumina HiSeq 2500 Comparative transcriptomic study with two wild barley genotypes X5 & X54
PRJNA629999 Genomic Evolution of Drought Adaptive Stomata of Wild Cereals - Illumina HiSeq 2500 Drought is a major environmental stress threatening biodiversity and human civilization. Grasses cover more than 40% of the world land area and provide habitats for many animal species and represent the main source of grain and forage. Securing staple food for humans and animal feed (e.g. Wheat and barley) by future crop improvement depends on wild progenitors of cereal crops. However, the ecological and evolutionary significance of their wild relatives was not comprehensively studied in an integrated physiological, transcriptomic and genomic framework. Here, we assessed the genetic basis of adaptation and quantified the selection pressures that act on natural variation in wild barley (Hordeum spontaneum), wild emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccoides), and Brachypodium collected from contrasting African Slope and European Slope of the Evolution Canyon I, Israel. We report that hot-dry savannoid tropical African Slope contrasting with the abutting cool humid temperate European slope, has shaped the distinct stomatal and photosynthetic traits of H. spontaneum, T. dicoccoides and Brachypodium, which have strong genomic and transcriptomic basis for stomatal regulation, photosynthesis, and drought tolerance. Moreover, polyploidy may provide drought adaptive advantages to tetraploid B. hybridum at African Slope. We highlight the value of evaluating wild relatives in search of novel alleles and provides clues to resilience mechanisms underlying crop adaptations to abiotic stress. This study will provide useful information for the breeding of resilient wheat and barley in a changing global warming climate with higher temperature and more frequent drought events.
PRJNA748178 Hordeum vulgare breed:wild barley Genome sequencing and assembly HvGST4 enhances tolerance to multiple abiotic stresses in barley: Evidence from integrated meta-analysis to functional verification Illumina NovaSeq 6000 High-quality genome sequencing and assembly of 2 wild barley from Evolutionary Canyon. And the transcriptome data of these 2 wild barley under drought stress.
PRJNA828098 HvbZIP21, a Novel Transcription Factor From Wild Barley Confers Drought Tolerance by Modulating ROS Scavenging Illumina NovaSeq 6000 the RNA-seq data of cultivated and wild barley
PRJNA432492 Hordeum vulgare subsp. spontaneum Transcriptome or Gene expression Subfamily-Specific Specialization of RGH1/MLA Immune Receptors in Wild Barley Illumina HiSeq 2500 To allow for a more exhaustive assessment of Mla (mildew resistance locus A ) sequence diversity, we here used transcriptome sequencing and assembly to identify Mla sequences from a set of 50 wild barley (Hordeum spontaneum) accessions representing nine populations distributed throughout the Fertile Crescent.
PRJNA679445 Sequencing of wild and cultivated barley leaves under osmotic stress sensed by roots Cuticular transpiration is not affected by enhanced wax and cutin amounts in response to osmotic stress in barley Illumina HiSeq 4000 Leaf 2 of wild barley (ICB181243 originating from Pakistan) and cultivar Scarlett subjectect to control or -0.8 MPa osmotic stress were sequenced (RNA-seq).
PRJNA227211 Hordeum vulgare ssp. spontaneum RNA-seq Stepwise signal transduction cascades under salt stress in leaves of wild barley (Hordeum spontaneum) Illumina HiSeq 2000 Hordeum vulgare ssp. spontaneum RNA-seq
PRJNA489775 Transcriptome profiles of salt treated roots of H.brevisubulatum and H.vulgare Transcriptome - Illumina HiSeq 2500 Total RNA was isolated from root tissue of H. brevisubulatum and H. vulgare with RNAprep Pure Plant Kit (Tiangen Biotech Co., Ltd.),transcriptome libraries were constructed using Ribo-Zero-rRNA Removal Kits (Plant/Bacteria) (Illumina, San Diego, CA, USA) and NEBNext® Ultra™ RNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina (New England Biolabs), sequence was generate on Illumina Hiseq 2500 sequencer instrument
PRJNA543388 Wild Barley (ICB181243) root zone specific RNA-Seq in response to water deficit Seminal roots of wild and cultivated barley differentially respond to osmotic stress in gene expression, suberization, and hydraulic conductivity Illumina HiSeq 4000 Wild barley (ICB181243 originating from Pakistan) seminal roots were divided into three zones according their developmental stage. Transcript changes by RNA-seq in response to water deficit were measured.
PRJNA728483 Gene expression analysis of qingke under the normol condition and Powdery mildew treatment Resistance to Powdery Mildew in Qingke Involves the Accumulation of Aromatic Phenolamides Through Jasmonate-Mediated Activation of Defense-Related Genes Illumina HiSeq 4000 Powdery mildew (PM) is a serious disease for barley, leads to severe yield reduction and constantly poses significant threats to further agricultural sustainability and food security in worldwide. To explore the molecular mechanism and regulatory networks of resistance against powdery mildew in qingke. RNA sequencing and proteome data of powdery mildew-sensitive (G72) and powdery mildew-resistant (K69) accessions in a time course experiment to systemtically explore the mechanisms resistance to powdery mildew in qingke.
PRJNA546269 Transcriptomic and alternative splicing analyses reveal mechanisms of the difference in salt tolerance between barley and rice. Transcriptomic and alternative splicing analyses reveal mechanisms of the difference in salt tolerance between barley and rice Illumina HiSeq 2500 Both barley (Hordeum vulgare) and rice (Oryza sativa) belong to Poaceae family, but differ greatly in salt tolerance. In order to understand molecular mechanisms in the difference of salt tolerance between the two species, the responses of transcriptomic profiles to salt stress were compared between rice (cultivar Nipponbare) and barley (accession XZ26) to reveal how alternative splicing (AS) coordinates with transcriptional regulation in adaptation to salt stress. Physiological study showed that XZ26 had higher salt tolerance than Nipponbare, as reflected by less growth inhibition, lower shoot Na+ concentration and higher K+/Na+ ratio when exposed to salt stress. Transcriptomic analysis showed that XZ26 had higher ROS scavenging ability, less degradation of protein kinases and enhanced anti-oxidation. Moreover, AS genes related to ion transporter genes and transcription factors could enhance and amplify K+/Na+ homeostasis and signal transduction cascades. We proposed that higher salt tolerance of barley accession XZ26 is attributed to its superior K+/Na+ homeostasis, tissue detoxication and less energy consumption. The present results provide insights at transcriptomic levels into reasons why barley has higher salt tolerance than rice. Overall design: After 7 d of salt treatments, fresh roots and the latest completely expanded leaves of barley (XZ26) and rice (Nipponbare) were sampled from both salt treatment and control, and immediately stored in liquid nitrogen for further transcriptomic analysis. Three biological replicates were done.
PRJEB21096 RNA-Seq data analysis of Hordeum vulgare cv. Morex transcriptome to study photomorphogenesis. - Illumina HiSeq 2000 Hordeum vulgare is one of the first domesticated grains in the world and it has been reported that variations in the light environment have a substantial effect on barley plant development and biological processes. High-throughput RNA-Seq study was performed to investigate the complex transcriptome network required for photomorphogenesis in barley. Seedlings were grown in dark and light conditions and three biological replicates were sampled from each condition. Six libraries from poly-A rich mRNA fraction were subjected to 51bp single-end RNA-seq sequencing.
PRJEB50400 RNA-seq of part of the root system of barley genotypes grown in an agricultural soil under controlled conditions. - Illumina NovaSeq 6000 This is a comparative experiments of three barley genotypes harbouring allelic differences at a locus designated QRMC-3HS putatively implicated in the assembly of the microbial communities thriving at the root-soil interface, the so called rhizosphere microbiota. The RNA-seq experiment aimed at identify genes differentially regulated among the genotypes at the locus of interest. As the selected genotypes host contrasting microbiotas, we hypothesised that differentially expressed genes at the locus represent primary candidates for the trait of interest (i.e., microbiota recruitment).
PRJNA781996 Transcriptome and physiology of salt tolerance in barley. - Illumina HiSeq 2500 Barley is used as a model cereal to decipher salt tolerance mechanisms, due to its simpler genome than wheat and better salt tolerance compared to rice and wheat. An enhanced understanding of molecular mechanisms underlying salt tolerance is essential for the genetic improvement of crops. The keen comparative RNA-Seq study to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying the adaptive strategies used by wild barley genotype to combat salt stress when compared with the salt-sensitive barley cultivar in this article will have something to offer a wide range of readers interested in. Physiological and functional outcomes were assessed as a function of salt stress and several mechanisms were advanced to explain the observed effects in contrasting barley genotypes.
PRJEB51523 Barley apical spikelet abortion transcriptome. - Illumina NovaSeq 6000 In barley (Hordeum vulgare), the indeterminate inflorescence meristem produces spikelet primordia along its axis and aborts a few terminally produced ones. In order to study the transcriptional changes involved in apical abortion of barley inflorescence, tissue-specific RNA-seq was performed at three early developmental stages by dividing the spikes into three parts, viz., apical, central, and basal. In two-rowed barley cv. Bowman, spikes were sampled at W5.0, W6.5, and W7.5 stages, whereas W5.5, W6.5 and W8.25 stages were collected from six-rowed barley cv. Morex. Three biological replicates were generated from each tissue type resulting in 54 RNA-seq samples.
PRJNA767196 The RNA-seq datasets of monocot and eudicot plants under cold stress (4 degrees centigrade) at 0, 2, 24, and 168 hours (h). Innovations and stepwise evolution of CBFs/DREB1s and their regulatory networks in angiosperms Illumina NovaSeq 6000 We performed RNA-seq experiments with the leaf tissues from five monocots (Setaria italica, Zea mays, Hordeum vulgare, Oryza sativa, and Phyllostachys edulis) and six eudicots (Betula pendula, Carya illinoinensis, Glycine max, Cucumis sativus, Populus trichocarpa, and Arabidopsis thaliana) subjected to cold treatment (4 degrees centigrade) for 0, 2, 24, and 168 hours (h). Before cold stress treatment, all the plant seedlings were cultured in an artificial climate chamber with 25 degrees centigrade at a photoperiod of 16/8 h light/dark cycle. For A. thaliana, three-week old seedlings were used for cold stress treatments. For other species, young seedlings growing up to ~30 cm in height were utilized. Total RNA of the leaves collected from each species was isolated, purified, and assessed by NanoDrop ND-1000 and Bioanalyzer 2100. Poly(A)-RNA was enriched for cDNA library construction and sequencing by Illumina NovaSeq 6000 (2 x 150 bp paired-end reads).
PRJNA752285 Transcriptomic analysis of differentially expressed genes during the floret opening in barley. Highly Conserved Evolution of Aquaporin PIPs and TIPs Confers Their Crucial Contribution to Flowering Process in Plants Illumina HiSeq 2500 RNA-seq analysis in eight tissues and six stages during the floret opening in barley.
PRJEB34648 RNA-seq of leaf tissue of barley cultivar Bowman and three derived introgression lines. - Illumina HiSeq 2500 In order to understand effects of defective circadian clock on the global barley transcriptome, we analyzed the diel and circadian leaf transcriptomes in the barley cultivar Bowman and derived introgression lines carrying mutations in EARLY FLOWERING 3 (ELF3), LUX1, and EARLY MATURITY 7 (EAM7).
PRJNA668924 INTERMEDIUM-M encodes an HvAP2L-H5 ortholog and is required for inflorescence indeterminacy and spikelet determinacy in barley. INTERMEDIUM-M encodes an HvAP2L-H5 ortholog and is required for inflorescence indeterminacy and spikelet determinacy in barley Illumina HiSeq 2500, Illumina Genome Analyzer IIx Inflorescence architecture dictates the number of flowers and hence seeds. The architectural differences between two related cereals barley and wheat are controlled by differences in determinacy of inflorescence and spikelet meristems. Here, we characterize two allelic series of mutations named intermedium-m (int-m) and double seed1 (dub1) that convert barley indeterminate inflorescences into wheat-like determinate inflorescences bearing a multi-floreted terminal spikelet and indeterminate spikelets with additional florets. We collected mRNA from developing spikes from the double ridge (DR), triple-mound-spikelet meristem (TM-SM), floret meristem (FM, a.k.a lemma primordium), stamen primordium (StP) and awn primordium (AP) stages. We then used the RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) to sequence the mRNA samples for both variants calling for introgression mapping and differential gene expression analysis between the wildtype Bowman and two int-m Near-isogenic lines (NIL).

Detail information of sequencing samples

Run Cultivar Organism Part Replicates
ERR1457188MorexGrain, bracts removed(5DPA)CAR5_2_B1
ERR1457163MorexGrain, bracts removed(5DPA)CAR5_2_B2
ERR1457189MorexGrain, bracts removed(5DPA)CAR5_3_B1
ERR1457164MorexGrain, bracts removed(5DPA)CAR5_3_B2
ERR1457190MorexGrain, bracts removed(5DPA)CAR5_4_B1
ERR1457165MorexGrain, bracts removed(5DPA)CAR5_4_B2
ERR1457197MorexGrain, bracts removed(15DPA)CAR15_1_B1
ERR1457172MorexGrain, bracts removed(15DPA)CAR15_1_B2
ERR1457198MorexGrain, bracts removed(15DPA)CAR15_2_B1
ERR1457173MorexGrain, bracts removed(15DPA)CAR15_2_B2
ERR1457199MorexGrain, bracts removed(15DPA)CAR15_4_B1
ERR1457174MorexGrain, bracts removed(15DPA)CAR15_4_B2
ERR1457191MorexEmbryos(4d dissected from germinating grains)EMB_a_B1
ERR1457166MorexEmbryos(4d dissected from germinating grains)EMB_a_B2
ERR1457192MorexEmbryos(4d dissected from germinating grains)EMB_b_B1
ERR1457167MorexEmbryos(4d dissected from germinating grains)EMB_b_B2
ERR1457193MorexEmbryos(4d dissected from germinating grains)EMB_c_B1
ERR1457168MorexEmbryos(4d dissected from germinating grains)EMB_c_B2
ERR1457224MorexEpidermis(4 weeks)EPI_1_B1
ERR1457248MorexEpidermis(4 weeks)EPI_1_B2
ERR1457225MorexEpidermis(4 weeks)EPI_2_B1
ERR1457249MorexEpidermis(4 weeks)EPI_2_B2
ERR1457226MorexEpidermis(4 weeks)EPI_3_B1
ERR1457250MorexEpidermis(4 weeks)EPI_3_B2
ERR1457212MorexEtiolated(10 day old seedling)ETI_1_B1
ERR1457236MorexEtiolated(10 day old seedling)ETI_1_B2
ERR1457213MorexEtiolated(10 day old seedling)ETI_2_B1
ERR1457237MorexEtiolated(10 day old seedling)ETI_2_B2
ERR1457214MorexEtiolated(10 day old seedling)ETI_3_B1
ERR1457238MorexEtiolated(10 day old seedling)ETI_3_B2
ERR1457209MorexYoung Inflorescences(5mm)INF1_a_B1
ERR1457184MorexYoung Inflorescences(5mm)INF1_a_B2
ERR1457210MorexYoung Inflorescences(5mm)INF1_b_B1
ERR1457185MorexYoung Inflorescences(5mm)INF1_b_B2
ERR1457211MorexYoung Inflorescences(5mm)INF1_c_B1
ERR1457186MorexYoung Inflorescences(5mm)INF1_c_B2
ERR1457200MorexShoot from the seedlings(10cm shoot stage)LEA_a_B1
ERR1457175MorexShoot from the seedlings(10cm shoot stage)LEA_a_B2
ERR1457201MorexShoot from the seedlings(10cm shoot stage)LEA_b_B1
ERR1457176MorexShoot from the seedlings(10cm shoot stage)LEA_b_B2
ERR1457202MorexShoot from the seedlings(10cm shoot stage)LEA_c_B1
ERR1457177MorexShoot from the seedlings(10cm shoot stage)LEA_c_B2
ERR1457215MorexLemma(6 weeks PA)LEM_1_B1
ERR1457239MorexLemma(6 weeks PA)LEM_1_B2
ERR1457216MorexLemma(6 weeks PA)LEM_2_B1
ERR1457240MorexLemma(6 weeks PA)LEM_2_B2
ERR1457217MorexLemma(6 weeks PA)LEM_3_B1
ERR1457241MorexLemma(6 weeks PA)LEM_3_B2
ERR1457218MorexLodicule(6 weeks PA)LOD_1_B1
ERR1457242MorexLodicule(6 weeks PA)LOD_1_B2
ERR1457219MorexLodicule(6 weeks PA)LOD_2_B1
ERR1457243MorexLodicule(6 weeks PA)LOD_2_B2
ERR1457220MorexLodicule(6 weeks PA)LOD_3_B1
ERR1457244MorexLodicule(6 weeks PA)LOD_3_B2
ERR1457206MorexDeveloping tillers(six leaf stage)NOD_a_B1
ERR1457181MorexDeveloping tillers(six leaf stage)NOD_a_B2
ERR1457207MorexDeveloping tillers(six leaf stage)NOD_b_B1
ERR1457182MorexDeveloping tillers(six leaf stage)NOD_b_B2
ERR1457208MorexDeveloping tillers(six leaf stage)NOD_c_B1
ERR1457183MorexDeveloping tillers(six leaf stage)NOD_c_B2
ERR1457221MorexPalea(6 weeks PA)PAL_1_B1
ERR1457245MorexPalea(6 weeks PA)PAL_1_B2
ERR1457222MorexPalea(6 weeks PA)PAL_2_B1
ERR1457246MorexPalea(6 weeks PA)PAL_2_B2
ERR1457223MorexPalea(6 weeks PA)PAL_3_B1
ERR1457247MorexPalea(6 weeks PA)PAL_3_B2
ERR1457227MorexRachis(5 weeks PA)RAC_1_B1
ERR1457251MorexRachis(5 weeks PA)RAC_1_B2
ERR1457228MorexRachis(5 weeks PA)RAC_2_B1
ERR1457252MorexRachis(5 weeks PA)RAC_2_B2
ERR1457229MorexRachis(5 weeks PA)RAC_3_B1
ERR1457253MorexRachis(5 weeks PA)RAC_3_B2
ERR1457194MorexRoot(4 weeks)ROO_a_B1
ERR1457169MorexRoot(4 weeks)ROO_a_B2
ERR1457195MorexRoot(4 weeks)ROO_b_B1
ERR1457170MorexRoot(4 weeks)ROO_b_B2
ERR1457196MorexRoot(4 weeks)ROO_c_B1
ERR1457171MorexRoot(4 weeks)ROO_c_B2
ERR1457230MorexRoots from the seedlings(10cm shoot stage)ROO2_1_B1
ERR1457254MorexRoots from the seedlings(10cm shoot stage)ROO2_1_B2
ERR1457231MorexRoots from the seedlings(10cm shoot stage)ROO2_2_B1
ERR1457255MorexRoots from the seedlings(10cm shoot stage)ROO2_2_B2
ERR1457232MorexRoots from the seedlings(10cm shoot stage)ROO2_3_B1
ERR1457256MorexRoots from the seedlings(10cm shoot stage)ROO2_3_B2
ERR1457233MorexSenescing leaf(2 months)SEN_1_B1
ERR1457257MorexSenescing leaf(2 months)SEN_1_B2
ERR1457234MorexSenescing leaf(2 months)SEN_2_B1
ERR1457258MorexSenescing leaf(2 months)SEN_2_B2
ERR1457235MorexSenescing leaf(2 months)SEN_3_B1
ERR1457259MorexSenescing leaf(2 months)SEN_3_B2
Run Accession Stage Replicate
DRR087971Fomaawn primordium1
DRR087973Fomaawn primordium3
DRR087975Fomaawn primordium2
DRR087976Fomaawn primordium3
DRR087972Fomaawn primordium2
DRR087974Fomaawn primordium1
Run Accession Stage Replicate
ERR2026421BowmanAP, 5 mm ± 1 mm spike length1
ERR2026422BowmanAP, 5 mm ± 1 mm spike length2
ERR2026423BowmanAP, 5 mm ± 1 mm spike length3
ERR2026424BowmanAP, 5 mm ± 1 mm spike length4
ERR2026425BowmanAP, 5 mm ± 1 mm spike length7
ERR2026426BowmanAP, 5 mm ± 1 mm spike length8
ERR2026427BowmanAP, 5 mm ± 1 mm spike length9
ERR2026428BowmanAP, 5 mm ± 1 mm spike length10
ERR2026429BowmanWA, 10 mm ± 1 mm spike length1
ERR2026430BowmanWA, 10 mm ± 1 mm spike length2
ERR2026431BowmanWA, 10 mm ± 1 mm spike length3
ERR2026432BowmanWA, 10 mm ± 1 mm spike length4
ERR2026433BowmanWA, 10 mm ± 1 mm spike length7
ERR2026434BowmanWA, 10 mm ± 1 mm spike length8
ERR2026435BowmanWA, 10 mm ± 1 mm spike length9
ERR2026436BowmanWA, 10 mm ± 1 mm spike length10
ERR2026437BW902AP, 5 mm ± 1 mm spike length1
ERR2026438BW902AP, 5 mm ± 1 mm spike length2
ERR2026439BW902AP, 5 mm ± 1 mm spike length3
ERR2026440BW902AP, 5 mm ± 1 mm spike length4
ERR2026441BW902AP, 5 mm ± 1 mm spike length7
ERR2026442BW902AP, 5 mm ± 1 mm spike length8
ERR2026443BW902AP, 5 mm ± 1 mm spike length9
ERR2026444BW902AP, 5 mm ± 1 mm spike length10
ERR2026445BW902WA, 10 mm ± 1 mm spike length1
ERR2026446BW902WA, 10 mm ± 1 mm spike length2
ERR2026447BW902WA, 10 mm ± 1 mm spike length3
ERR2026448BW902WA, 10 mm ± 1 mm spike length4
ERR2026449BW902WA, 10 mm ± 1 mm spike length7
ERR2026450BW902WA, 10 mm ± 1 mm spike length8
ERR2026451BW902WA, 10 mm ± 1 mm spike length9
ERR2026452BW902WA, 10 mm ± 1 mm spike length10
Run Accession Age Tissue
ERR2031041Barke8 to 10 daysstomatal complex
ERR2031042Barke8 to 10 daystotal leaf
ERR2031043Barke8 to 10 daysleaf without upper and lower epidermis
Run Accession Stage Replicate
ERR2510895L94embryo samples of mature seedsReplicate 1.1
ERR2510896L94embryo samples of mature seedsReplicate 1.2
ERR2510897L94embryo samples of mature seedsReplicate 2.1
ERR2510898L94embryo samples of mature seedsReplicate 2.2
ERR2510899L94embryo samples of mature seedsReplicate 3
ERR2510900Cebada Capaembryo samples of mature seedsReplicate 1
ERR2510901Cebada Capaembryo samples of mature seedsReplicate 2
ERR2510902Cebada Capaembryo samples of mature seedsReplicate 3
ERR2510903Cebada Capaembryo samples of mature seedsReplicate 4
ERR2510904RIL 114embryo samples of mature seedsReplicate 1
ERR2510905RIL 114embryo samples of mature seedsReplicate 2
ERR2510906RIL 114embryo samples of mature seedsReplicate 3.1
ERR2510907RIL 114embryo samples of mature seedsReplicate 3.2
ERR2510908RIL 114embryo samples of mature seedsReplicate 4.1
ERR2510909RIL 114embryo samples of mature seedsReplicate 4.2
ERR2510910NIL-SLQ2embryo samples of mature seedsReplicate 1
ERR2510911NIL-SLQ2embryo samples of mature seedsReplicate 2
ERR2510912NIL-SLQ2embryo samples of mature seedsReplicate 3.1
ERR2510913NIL-SLQ2embryo samples of mature seedsReplicate 3.2
ERR2510914NIL-SLQ2embryo samples of mature seedsReplicate 4.1
ERR2510915NIL-SLQ2embryo samples of mature seedsReplicate 4.2
ERR2510916NIL-SLQ1.2embryo samples of mature seedsReplicate 1
ERR2510917NIL-SLQ1.2embryo samples of mature seedsReplicate 2
ERR2510918NIL-SLQ1.2embryo samples of mature seedsReplicate 3.1
ERR2510919NIL-SLQ1.2embryo samples of mature seedsReplicate 3.2
ERR2510920NIL-SLQ1.2embryo samples of mature seedsReplicate 4.1
ERR2510921NIL-SLQ1.2embryo samples of mature seedsReplicate 4.2
ERR2510922NIL-SLQ1.3embryo samples of mature seedsReplicate 1.1
ERR2510923NIL-SLQ1.3embryo samples of mature seedsReplicate 1.2
ERR2510924NIL-SLQ1.3embryo samples of mature seedsReplicate 2.1
ERR2510925NIL-SLQ1.3embryo samples of mature seedsReplicate 2.2
ERR2510926NIL-SLQ1.3embryo samples of mature seedsReplicate 3
ERR2510927NIL-SLQ1.3embryo samples of mature seedsReplicate 4
ERR2510928NIL-SLQ1.1embryo samples of mature seedsReplicate 1.1
ERR2510929NIL-SLQ1.1embryo samples of mature seedsReplicate 1.2
ERR2510930NIL-SLQ1.1embryo samples of mature seedsReplicate 2.1
ERR2510931NIL-SLQ1.1embryo samples of mature seedsReplicate 2.2
ERR2510932NIL-SLQ1.1embryo samples of mature seedsReplicate 3
ERR2510933NIL-SLQ1.1embryo samples of mature seedsReplicate 4
Run Accession Tissue
SRR1810059BassGerminating seeds
SRR1810060BassGerminating seeds
SRR1810061HarringtonGerminating seeds
SRR1810062HarringtonGerminating seeds
SRR1810063StirlingGerminating seeds
SRR1810064StirlingGerminating seeds
SRR1810065BaudinGerminating seeds
SRR1810066BaudinGerminating seeds
Run Accession Stage
SRR5320385ManchuriaFirst leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging
SRR5320388CI 16153First leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging
SRR5320389CI 16147First leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging
SRR5320390CIho 4196First leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging
SRR5320556Haruna NijoFirst leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging
SRR5320557Haruna NijoFirst leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging
Run Accession Stage Replicate
SRR5344983WBDC 259First leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging2
SRR5344984WBDC 259First leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging1
SRR5344985WBDC 172First leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging2
SRR5344986WBDC 172First leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging1
SRR5344987WBDC 110First leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging2
SRR5344988WBDC 110First leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging1
SRR5344989WBDC 109First leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging2
SRR5344990WBDC 109First leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging1
SRR5344991WBDC 085First leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging2
SRR5344992WBDC 085First leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging1
SRR5344993WBDC 013First leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging2
SRR5344994WBDC 013First leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging1
SRR5344995WBDC 008First leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging2
SRR5344996WBDC 008First leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging1
SRR5344997SusPtritFirst leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging1
SRR5344998Sultan 5First leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging2
SRR5344999Sultan 5First leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging1
SRR5345000Q21861First leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging2
SRR5345001Q21861First leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging1
SRR5345002PallasFirst leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging1
SRR5345003MaritimeFirst leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging2
SRR5345004MaritimeFirst leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging1
SRR5345005IgriFirst leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging1
SRR5345006I5First leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging2
SRR5345007I5First leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging1
SRR5345008HOR 1428First leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging2
SRR5345009HOR 1428First leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging1
SRR5345010HindmarshFirst leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging2
SRR5345011HindmarshFirst leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging1
SRR5345012Heils FrankenFirst leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging2
SRR5345013Heils FrankenFirst leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging1
SRR5345014Grannenlose ZweizeiligeFirst leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging2
SRR5345015Grannenlose ZweizeiligeFirst leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging1
SRR5345016Golden PromiseFirst leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging2
SRR5345017Golden PromiseFirst leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging1
SRR5345018Fong TienFirst leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging2
SRR5345019Fong TienFirst leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging1
SRR5345020FinnissFirst leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging2
SRR5345021FinnissFirst leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging1
SRR5345022EmirFirst leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging2
SRR5345023EmirFirst leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging1
SRR5345024DuplexFirst leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging2
SRR5345025DuplexFirst leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging1
SRR5345026CommanderFirst leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging2
SRR5345027CommanderFirst leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging1
SRR5345028CI 16139First leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging2
SRR5345029CI 16139First leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging1
SRR5345030BowmanFirst leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging2
SRR5345031BowmanFirst leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging1
SRR5345032BetzesFirst leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging1
SRR5345033BCD47First leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging1
SRR5345034BCD12First leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging1
SRR5345035BaronesseFirst leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging1
SRR5345036BarkeFirst leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging2
SRR5345037BarkeFirst leaf fully expanded, second leaf emerging1
Run Phenotype Stage
SRR5890939Bowman 1327A 1327AWaddington stage 3.5
SRR5890940Bowman 1327B 1327BWaddington stage 3.5
SRR5890941Bowman 1327C 1327CWaddington stage 3.5
SRR5890942Bowman 1327C 1327CWaddington stage 3.5
SRR5890943Bowman 1327D 1327DWaddington stage 3.5
SRR5890944Bowman 1327D 1327DWaddington stage 3.5
SRR5890945Bowman 1327E 1327EWaddington stage 5.5
SRR5890946Bowman 1327E 1327EWaddington stage 5.5
SRR5890947Bowman 1327F 1327FWaddington stage 5.5
SRR5890948Bowman 1327F 1327FWaddington stage 5.5
SRR5890949Bowman 1327G 1327GWaddington stage 5.5
SRR5890950Bowman 1327G 1327GWaddington stage 5.5
SRR5890951Bowman 1327H 1327HWaddington stage 5.5
SRR5890952int-a.1 (GSHO 2055) 1327AA 1327AAWaddington stage 3.5
SRR5890953int-a.1 (GSHO 2055) 1327AA 1327AAWaddington stage 3.5
SRR5890954int-a.1 (GSHO 2055) 1327AB 1327ABWaddington stage 3.5
SRR5890955int-a.1 (GSHO 2055) 1327AB 1327ABWaddington stage 3.5
SRR5890956int-a.1 (GSHO 2055) 1327AC 1327ACWaddington stage 3.5
SRR5890957int-a.1 (GSHO 2055) 1327AC 1327ACWaddington stage 3.5
SRR5890958int-a.1 (GSHO 2055) 1327AD 1327ADWaddington stage 5.5
SRR5890959int-a.1 (GSHO 2055) 1327AD 1327ADWaddington stage 5.5
SRR5890960int-a.1 (GSHO 2055) 1327AE 1327AEWaddington stage 5.5
SRR5890961int-a.1 (GSHO 2055) 1327AE 1327AEWaddington stage 5.5
SRR5890962int-a.1 (GSHO 2055) 1327AF 1327AFWaddington stage 5.5
SRR5890963int-a.1 (GSHO 2055) 1327AF 1327AFWaddington stage 5.5
SRR5890964vrs4.k (GSHO 1986) 1327AM 1327AMWaddington stage 3.5
SRR5890965vrs4.k (GSHO 1986) 1327AM 1327AMWaddington stage 3.5
SRR5890966vrs4.k (GSHO 1986) 1327AN 1327ANWaddington stage 3.5
SRR5890967vrs4.k (GSHO 1986) 1327AN 1327ANWaddington stage 3.5
SRR5890968vrs4.k (GSHO 1986) 1327AO 1327AOWaddington stage 3.5
SRR5890969vrs4.k (GSHO 1986) 1327AO 1327AOWaddington stage 3.5
SRR5890970vrs4.k (GSHO 1986) 1327AP 1327APWaddington stage 5.5
SRR5890971vrs4.k (GSHO 1986) 1327AQ 1327AQWaddington stage 5.5
SRR5890972vrs4.k (GSHO 1986) 1327AQ 1327AQWaddington stage 5.5
SRR5890973vrs4.k (GSHO 1986) 1327AR 1327ARWaddington stage 5.5
SRR5890974vrs4.k (GSHO 1986) 1327AR 1327ARWaddington stage 5.5
SRR5890975vrs1 (GSHO 1907) 1327AS 1327ASWaddington stage 3.5
SRR5890976vrs1 (GSHO 1907) 1327AS 1327ASWaddington stage 3.5
SRR5890977vrs1 (GSHO 1907) 1327AT 1327ATWaddington stage 3.5
SRR5890978vrs1 (GSHO 1907) 1327AT 1327ATWaddington stage 3.5
SRR5890979vrs1 (GSHO 1907) 1327AU 1327AUWaddington stage 3.5
SRR5890980vrs1 (GSHO 1907) 1327AU 1327AUWaddington stage 3.5
SRR5890981vrs1 (GSHO 1907) 1327AV 1327AVWaddington stage 5.5
SRR5890982vrs1 (GSHO 1907) 1327AV 1327AVWaddington stage 5.5
SRR5890983vrs1 (GSHO 1907) 1327AW 1327AWWaddington stage 5.5
SRR5890984vrs1 (GSHO 1907) 1327AX 1327AXWaddington stage 5.5
SRR5890985vrs1 (GSHO 1907) 1327AX 1327AXWaddington stage 5.5
SRR5890986int-c.5 (GSHO 2003) 1327U 1327UWaddington stage 3.5
SRR5890987int-c.5 (GSHO 2003) 1327U 1327UWaddington stage 3.5
SRR5890988int-c.5 (GSHO 2003) 1327V 1327VWaddington stage 3.5
SRR5890989int-c.5 (GSHO 2003) 1327V 1327VWaddington stage 3.5
SRR5890990int-c.5 (GSHO 2003) 1327W 1327WWaddington stage 3.5
SRR5890991int-c.5 (GSHO 2003) 1327W 1327WWaddington stage 3.5
SRR5890992int-c.5 (GSHO 2003) 1327X 1327XWaddington stage 5.5
SRR5890993int-c.5 (GSHO 2003) 1327X 1327XWaddington stage 5.5
SRR5890994int-c.5 (GSHO 2003) 1327Y 1327YWaddington stage 5.5
SRR5890995int-c.5 (GSHO 2003) 1327Y 1327YWaddington stage 5.5
SRR5890996int-c.5 (GSHO 2003) 1327Z 1327ZWaddington stage 5.5
SRR5890997int-c.5 (GSHO 2003) 1327Z 1327ZWaddington stage 5.5
Run Accession Stage Replicate
SRR6433028GobernadoraUninucleate and haploide microspore(Day 0)replicate1
SRR6433027GobernadoraUninucleate and haploide microspore(Day 0)replicate2
SRR6433026GobernadoraUninucleate and haploide microspore(Day 0)replicate3
SRR6433025GobernadoraUninucleate and haploide microspore(Day 0)replicate4
SRR6433032GobernadoraEnlarged microspore after stress pretraitment(Day 2)replicate1
SRR6433031GobernadoraEnlarged microspore after stress pretraitment(Day 2)replicate2
SRR6433030GobernadoraEnlarged microspore after stress pretraitment(Day 2)replicate3
SRR6433029GobernadoraEnlarged microspore after stress pretraitment(Day 2)replicate4
SRR6433024GobernadoraStat-like to multicellular structure microspore(Day 5)replicate1
SRR6433023GobernadoraStat-like to multicellular structure microspore(Day 5)replicate2
SRR6433016GobernadoraStat-like to multicellular structure microspore(Day 5)replicate3
SRR6433015GobernadoraStat-like to multicellular structure microspore(Day 5)replicate4
SRR6433018GobernadoraUninucleate and haploide microspore(Day 0)replicate1
SRR6433017GobernadoraUninucleate and haploide microspore(Day 0)replicate2
SRR6433020GobernadoraUninucleate and haploide microspore(Day 0)replicate3
SRR6433019GobernadoraUninucleate and haploide microspore(Day 0)replicate4
SRR6433022GobernadoraEnlarged microspore after stress pretraitment(Day 2)replicate1
SRR6433021GobernadoraEnlarged microspore after stress pretraitment(Day 2)replicate2
SRR6433014GobernadoraEnlarged microspore after stress pretraitment(Day 2)replicate3
SRR6433013GobernadoraEnlarged microspore after stress pretraitment(Day 2)replicate4
SRR6433009GobernadoraStat-like to multicellular structure microspore(Day 5)replicate1
SRR6433010GobernadoraStat-like to multicellular structure microspore(Day 5)replicate2
SRR6433011GobernadoraStat-like to multicellular structure microspore(Day 5)replicate3
SRR6433012GobernadoraStat-like to multicellular structure microspore(Day 5)replicate4
Run Accession Tissue Replicate
SRR8053407WI4330dry seed(plumule)0P1
SRR8053406WI4330dry seed(plumule)0P3
SRR8053402WI4330dry seed(radicle)0R1
SRR8053434WI4330dry seed(radicle)0R2
SRR8053404WI4330dry seed(radicle)0R3
SRR8053409WI4330dry seed(scutellum)0S1
SRR8053408WI4330dry seed(scutellum)0S2
SRR8053403WI4330dry seed(scutellum)0S3
SRR8053411WI4330germinating seed(plumule)8P1
SRR8053400WI4330germinating seed(plumule)8P2
SRR8053458WI4330germinating seed(plumule)8P3
SRR8053454WI4330germinating seed(radicle)8R1
SRR8053453WI4330germinating seed(radicle)8R2
SRR8053452WI4330germinating seed(radicle)8R3
SRR8053457WI4330germinating seed(scutellum)8S1
SRR8053456WI4330germinating seed(scutellum)8S2
SRR8053455WI4330germinating seed(scutellum)8S3
SRR8053451WI4330germinating seed(plumule)16P1
SRR8053450WI4330germinating seed(plumule)16P2
SRR8053449WI4330germinating seed(plumule)16P3
SRR8053427WI4330germinating seed(radicle)16R1
SRR8053424WI4330germinating seed(radicle)16R2
SRR8053425WI4330germinating seed(radicle)16R3
SRR8053428WI4330germinating seed(scutellum)16S1
SRR8053429WI4330germinating seed(scutellum)16S2
SRR8053426WI4330germinating seed(scutellum)16S3
SRR8053422WI4330germinating seed(plumule)24P1
SRR8053423WI4330germinating seed(plumule)24P2
SRR8053431WI4330germinating seed(plumule)24P3
SRR8053437WI4330germinating seed(radicle)24R1
SRR8053435WI4330germinating seed(radicle)24R2
SRR8053444WI4330germinating seed(radicle)24R3
SRR8053432WI4330germinating seed(scutellum)24S1
SRR8053448WI4330germinating seed(scutellum)24S2
SRR8053447WI4330germinating seed(scutellum)24S3
SRR8053443WI4330germinating seed(plumule)32P1
SRR8053446WI4330germinating seed(plumule)32P2
SRR8053445WI4330germinating seed(plumule)32P3
SRR8053419WI4330germinating seed(radicle)32R1
SRR8053420WI4330germinating seed(radicle)32R3
SRR8053436WI4330germinating seed(scutellum)32S1
SRR8053441WI4330germinating seed(scutellum)32S2
SRR8053418WI4330germinating seed(scutellum)32S3
SRR8053421WI4330germinating seed(plumule)40P1
SRR8053414WI4330germinating seed(plumule)40P2
SRR8053415WI4330germinating seed(plumule)40P3
SRR8053412WI4330germinating seed(radicle)40R1
SRR8053413WI4330germinating seed(radicle)40R2
SRR8053401WI4330germinating seed(radicle)40R3
SRR8053416WI4330germinating seed(scutellum)40S1
SRR8053417WI4330germinating seed(scutellum)40S3
SRR8053405WI4330germinating seed(plumule)48P1
SRR8053442WI4330germinating seed(plumule)48P2
SRR8053438WI4330germinating seed(plumule)48P3
SRR8053430WI4330germinating seed(radicle)48R1
SRR8053440WI4330germinating seed(radicle)48R2
SRR8053439WI4330germinating seed(radicle)48R3
SRR8053410WI4330germinating seed(scutellum)48S1
SRR8053399WI4330germinating seed(scutellum)48S2
SRR8053433WI4330germinating seed(scutellum)48S3
Run Stage Replicate
SRR98899891.0-1.2 mm anthers(anther pachytene–diplotene)Biological replicate 2
SRR98899920.5-0.9 mm anthers(meiocyte leptotene–zygotene)Biological replicate 2
SRR98899940.3-0.4 mm anthers(anther pre-meiosis)Biological replicate 2
SRR98899971.0-1.2 mm anthers(anther pachytene–diplotene)Biological replicate 1
SRR98899980.5-0.9 mm anthers(meiocyte leptotene–zygotene)Biological replicate 3
SRR98900001.0-1.2 mm anthers(anther pachytene–diplotene)Biological replicate 2
SRR98900021.3-1.4 mm anthers(anther metaphase I–tetrad)Biological replicate 3
SRR98900030.3-0.4 mm anthers(anther pre-meiosis)Biological replicate 1
SRR98900040.5-0.9 mm anthers(meiocyte leptotene–zygotene)Biological replicate 1
SRR98900050.5-0.9 mm anthers(meiocyte leptotene–zygotene)Biological replicate 2
SRR98899901.0-1.2 mm anthers(anther pachytene–diplotene)Biological replicate 1
SRR98899910.5-0.9 mm anthers(meiocyte leptotene–zygotene)Biological replicate 3
SRR98899930.3-0.4 mm anthers(anther pre-meiosis)Biological replicate 3
SRR98899951.3-1.4 mm anthers(anther metaphase I–tetrad)Biological replicate 1
SRR98899961.0-1.2 mm anthers(anther pachytene–diplotene)Biological replicate 3
SRR98899991.0-1.2 mm anthers(anther pachytene–diplotene)Biological replicate 3
SRR98900011.3-1.4 mm anthers(anther metaphase I–tetrad)Biological replicate 2
SRR98900060.5-0.9 mm anthers(meiocyte leptotene–zygotene)Biological replicate 1

This project contains 1467 samples, and we provide the download file for display. PRJEB39672_Sample_info.xlsx

Run Accession Stage Treatment Replicate
ERR1248084Scarlettyoung inflorescencescontrol1
ERR1248085Scarlettyoung inflorescencescontrol2
ERR1248086Scarlettyoung inflorescencesdrought1
ERR1248087Scarlettyoung inflorescencesdrought2
ERR1248088Scarlettyoung inflorescencesgreenhouse1
ERR1248089Scarlettyoung inflorescencesgreenhouse2
ERR1248274SBCC073young inflorescencescontrol1
ERR1248275SBCC073young inflorescencescontrol2
ERR1248276SBCC073young inflorescencesdrought1
ERR1248277SBCC073young inflorescencesdrought2
ERR1248278SBCC073young inflorescencesgreenhouse1
ERR1248279SBCC073young inflorescencesgreenhouse2
Run Accession Stage Tissue Treatment Replicate
ERR1366263Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone0 NaCL1
ERR1366264Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone0 NaCL1
ERR1366265Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone0 NaCL1
ERR1366266Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone0 NaCL1
ERR1366267Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone0 NaCL2
ERR1366268Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone0 NaCL2
ERR1366269Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone0 NaCL2
ERR1366270Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone0 NaCL2
ERR1366271Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone0 NaCL3
ERR1366272Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone0 NaCL3
ERR1366273Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone0 NaCL3
ERR1366274Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone0 NaCL3
ERR1366275Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone0 NaCL4
ERR1366276Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone0 NaCL4
ERR1366277Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone0 NaCL4
ERR1366278Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone0 NaCL4
ERR1366279Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone0 NaCL1
ERR1366280Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone0 NaCL1
ERR1366281Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone0 NaCL1
ERR1366282Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone0 NaCL1
ERR1366283Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone0 NaCL2
ERR1366284Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone0 NaCL2
ERR1366285Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone0 NaCL2
ERR1366286Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone0 NaCL2
ERR1366287Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone0 NaCL3
ERR1366288Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone0 NaCL3
ERR1366289Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone0 NaCL3
ERR1366290Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone0 NaCL3
ERR1366291Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone0 NaCL4
ERR1366292Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone0 NaCL4
ERR1366293Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone0 NaCL4
ERR1366294Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone0 NaCL4
ERR1366295Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone0 NaCL1
ERR1366296Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone0 NaCL1
ERR1366297Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone0 NaCL1
ERR1366298Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone0 NaCL1
ERR1366299Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone0 NaCL2
ERR1366300Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone0 NaCL2
ERR1366301Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone0 NaCL2
ERR1366302Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone0 NaCL2
ERR1366303Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone0 NaCL3
ERR1366304Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone0 NaCL3
ERR1366305Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone0 NaCL3
ERR1366306Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone0 NaCL3
ERR1366307Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone0 NaCL4
ERR1366308Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone0 NaCL4
ERR1366309Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone0 NaCL4
ERR1366310Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone0 NaCL4
ERR1366311Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone100mM NaCl1
ERR1366312Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone100mM NaCl1
ERR1366313Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone100mM NaCl1
ERR1366314Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone100mM NaCl1
ERR1366315Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone100mM NaCl2
ERR1366316Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone100mM NaCl2
ERR1366317Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone100mM NaCl2
ERR1366318Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone100mM NaCl2
ERR1366319Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone100mM NaCl3
ERR1366320Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone100mM NaCl3
ERR1366321Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone100mM NaCl3
ERR1366322Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone100mM NaCl3
ERR1366323Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone100mM NaCl4
ERR1366324Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone100mM NaCl4
ERR1366325Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone100mM NaCl4
ERR1366326Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone100mM NaCl4
ERR1366327Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone100mM NaCl1
ERR1366328Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone100mM NaCl1
ERR1366329Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone100mM NaCl1
ERR1366330Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone100mM NaCl1
ERR1366331Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone100mM NaCl2
ERR1366332Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone100mM NaCl2
ERR1366333Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone100mM NaCl2
ERR1366334Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone100mM NaCl2
ERR1366335Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone100mM NaCl3
ERR1366336Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone100mM NaCl3
ERR1366337Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone100mM NaCl3
ERR1366338Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone100mM NaCl3
ERR1366339Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone100mM NaCl4
ERR1366340Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone100mM NaCl4
ERR1366341Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone100mM NaCl4
ERR1366342Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone100mM NaCl4
ERR1366343Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone100mM NaCl1
ERR1366344Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone100mM NaCl1
ERR1366345Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone100mM NaCl1
ERR1366346Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone100mM NaCl1
ERR1366347Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone100mM NaCl2
ERR1366348Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone100mM NaCl2
ERR1366349Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone100mM NaCl2
ERR1366350Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone100mM NaCl2
ERR1366351Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone100mM NaCl3
ERR1366352Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone100mM NaCl3
ERR1366353Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone100mM NaCl3
ERR1366354Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone100mM NaCl3
ERR1366355Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone100mM NaCl4
ERR1366356Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone100mM NaCl4
ERR1366357Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone100mM NaCl4
ERR1366358Clippergerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone100mM NaCl4
ERR1366359Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone0 NaCL1
ERR1366360Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone0 NaCL1
ERR1366361Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone0 NaCL1
ERR1366362Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone0 NaCL1
ERR1366363Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone0 NaCL2
ERR1366364Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone0 NaCL2
ERR1366365Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone0 NaCL2
ERR1366366Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone0 NaCL2
ERR1366367Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone0 NaCL3
ERR1366368Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone0 NaCL3
ERR1366369Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone0 NaCL3
ERR1366370Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone0 NaCL3
ERR1366371Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone0 NaCL4
ERR1366372Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone0 NaCL4
ERR1366373Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone0 NaCL4
ERR1366374Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone0 NaCL4
ERR1366375Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone0 NaCL1
ERR1366376Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone0 NaCL1
ERR1366377Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone0 NaCL1
ERR1366378Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone0 NaCL1
ERR1366379Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone0 NaCL2
ERR1366380Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone0 NaCL2
ERR1366381Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone0 NaCL2
ERR1366382Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone0 NaCL2
ERR1366383Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone0 NaCL3
ERR1366384Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone0 NaCL3
ERR1366385Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone0 NaCL3
ERR1366386Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone0 NaCL3
ERR1366387Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone0 NaCL4
ERR1366388Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone0 NaCL4
ERR1366389Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone0 NaCL4
ERR1366390Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone0 NaCL4
ERR1366391Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone0 NaCL1
ERR1366392Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone0 NaCL1
ERR1366393Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone0 NaCL1
ERR1366394Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone0 NaCL1
ERR1366395Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone0 NaCL2
ERR1366396Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone0 NaCL2
ERR1366397Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone0 NaCL2
ERR1366398Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone0 NaCL2
ERR1366399Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone0 NaCL3
ERR1366400Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone0 NaCL3
ERR1366401Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone0 NaCL3
ERR1366402Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone0 NaCL3
ERR1366403Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone0 NaCL4
ERR1366404Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone0 NaCL4
ERR1366405Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone0 NaCL4
ERR1366406Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone0 NaCL4
ERR1366407Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone100mM NaCl1
ERR1366408Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone100mM NaCl1
ERR1366409Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone100mM NaCl1
ERR1366410Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone100mM NaCl1
ERR1366411Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone100mM NaCl2
ERR1366412Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone100mM NaCl2
ERR1366413Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone100mM NaCl2
ERR1366414Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone100mM NaCl2
ERR1366415Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone100mM NaCl3
ERR1366416Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone100mM NaCl3
ERR1366417Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone100mM NaCl3
ERR1366418Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone100mM NaCl3
ERR1366419Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone100mM NaCl4
ERR1366420Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone100mM NaCl4
ERR1366421Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone100mM NaCl4
ERR1366422Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot meristematic zone100mM NaCl4
ERR1366423Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone100mM NaCl1
ERR1366424Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone100mM NaCl1
ERR1366425Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone100mM NaCl1
ERR1366426Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone100mM NaCl1
ERR1366427Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone100mM NaCl2
ERR1366428Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone100mM NaCl2
ERR1366429Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone100mM NaCl2
ERR1366430Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone100mM NaCl2
ERR1366431Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone100mM NaCl3
ERR1366432Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone100mM NaCl3
ERR1366433Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone100mM NaCl3
ERR1366434Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone100mM NaCl3
ERR1366435Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone100mM NaCl4
ERR1366436Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone100mM NaCl4
ERR1366437Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone100mM NaCl4
ERR1366438Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot elongation zone100mM NaCl4
ERR1366439Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone100mM NaCl1
ERR1366440Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone100mM NaCl1
ERR1366441Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone100mM NaCl1
ERR1366442Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone100mM NaCl1
ERR1366443Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone100mM NaCl2
ERR1366444Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone100mM NaCl2
ERR1366445Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone100mM NaCl2
ERR1366446Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone100mM NaCl2
ERR1366447Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone100mM NaCl3
ERR1366448Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone100mM NaCl3
ERR1366449Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone100mM NaCl3
ERR1366450Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone100mM NaCl3
ERR1366451Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone100mM NaCl4
ERR1366452Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone100mM NaCl4
ERR1366453Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone100mM NaCl4
ERR1366454Saharagerminating seed 3dRoot maturation zone100mM NaCl4
Run Accession Tissue Treatment Replicate
ERR1744565Igrileaf0h,17°C; Afternoon; mix1
ERR1744566Igrileaf0h,17°C; Morning; mix1
ERR1744567Igrileaf8h,6°C; Afternoon2
ERR1744568Igrileaf8h,6°C; Afternoon3
ERR1744569Igrileaf8h,6°C; Afternoon4
ERR1744570Igrileaf4 weeks 6°C; Morning; mix1
ERR1744571Igrileaf9 weeks 6°C; Morning1
ERR1744572Igrileaf9 weeks 6°C; Morning2
ERR1744573Igrileaf9 weeks 6°C; Morning3
ERR1744574Igrileaf9 weeks 6°C; Morning; mix1
Run Tissue Treatment Replicate
ERR4704277leafDroughtreplicate 1
ERR4704278leafDroughtreplicate 2
ERR4704279leafDroughtreplicate 3
ERR4704280leafWell wateredreplicate 1
ERR4704281leafWell wateredreplicate 2
ERR4704282leafWell wateredreplicate 3
ERR4704283leafDroughtreplicate 1
ERR4704284leafDroughtreplicate 2
ERR4704285leafDroughtreplicate 3
ERR4704286leafWell wateredreplicate 1
ERR4704287leafWell wateredreplicate 2
ERR4704288leafWell wateredreplicate 3
Run Accession Stage Treatment Replicate
ERR781039S42-IL107Waddington stage 0.58h light/ 16h dark1.1
ERR781040S42-IL107Waddington stage 0.58h light/ 16h dark1.2
ERR781041S42-IL107Waddington stage 0.58h light/ 16h dark1.3
ERR781042ScarlettWaddington stage 1.016h light/ 8h dark2.1
ERR781044ScarlettWaddington stage 1.016h light/ 8h dark2.3
ERR781045S42-IL107Waddington stage 1.016h light/ 8h dark3.1
ERR781046S42-IL107Waddington stage 1.016h light/ 8h dark3.2
ERR781047S42-IL107Waddington stage 1.016h light/ 8h dark3.3
ERR781048S42-IL107Waddington stage 2.016h light/ 8h dark4.1
ERR781049S42-IL107Waddington stage 2.016h light/ 8h dark4.2
ERR781050S42-IL107Waddington stage 2.016h light/ 8h dark5.1
ERR781051S42-IL107Waddington stage 2.016h light/ 8h dark5.2
ERR781056S42-IL017Waddington stage 2.08h light/ 16h dark7.1
ERR781057S42-IL017Waddington stage 2.08h light/ 16h dark7.2
ERR781058S42-IL107Waddington stage 2.08h light/ 16h dark7.3
ERR781059S42-IL107Waddington stage 1.08h light/ 16h dark8.1
ERR781061S42-IL107Waddington stage 1.08h light/ 16h dark8.3
ERR781062ScarlettWaddington stage 1.016h light/ 8h dark9.1
ERR781063ScarlettWaddington stage 1.016h light/ 8h dark9.2
ERR781066S42-IL107Waddington stage 1.08h light/ 16h dark10.2
ERR781068ScarlettWaddington stage 2.08h light/ 16h dark11.1
ERR781069ScarlettWaddington stage 2.08h light/ 16h dark11.2
ERR781074S42-IL107Waddington stage 2.08h light/ 16h dark13.1
ERR781075S42-IL107Waddington stage 2.08h light/ 16h dark13.2
ERR781076S42-IL107Waddington stage 2.08h light/ 16h dark13.3
ERR781079ScarlettWaddington stage 3.516h light/ 8h dark14.3
ERR781080S42-IL107Waddington stage 1.08h light/ 16h dark15.1
ERR781083S42-IL107Waddington stage 3.58h light/ 16h dark16.1
ERR781084S42-IL107Waddington stage 3.58h light/ 16h dark16.2
ERR781085S42-IL107Waddington stage 3.58h light/ 16h dark16.3
ERR781043ScarlettWaddington stage 1.016h light/ 8h dark2.2
ERR781052S42-IL107Waddington stage 2.016h light/ 8h dark5.3
ERR781053ScarlettWaddington stage 2.016h light/ 8h dark6.1
ERR781054ScarlettWaddington stage 2.016h light/ 8h dark6.2
ERR781055ScarlettWaddington stage 2.016h light/ 8h dark6.3
ERR781060S42-IL107Waddington stage 1.08h light/ 16h dark8.2
ERR781064ScarlettWaddington stage 1.016h light/ 8h dark9.3
ERR781065S42-IL107Waddington stage 1.016h light/ 8h dark10.1
ERR781067S42-IL107Waddington stage 1.016h light/ 8h dark10.3
ERR781070ScarlettWaddington stage 2.016h light/ 8h dark11.3
ERR781071S42-IL107Waddington stage 3.516h light/ 8h dark12.1
ERR781072S42-IL107Waddington stage 3.516h light/ 8h dark12.2
ERR781073S42-IL107Waddington stage 3.516h light/ 8h dark12.3
ERR781077ScarlettWaddington stage 3.516h light/ 8h dark14.1
ERR781078ScarlettWaddington stage 3.516h light/ 8h dark14.2
ERR781081S42-IL107Waddington stage 1.08h light/ 16h dark15.2
ERR781082S42-IL107Waddington stage 1.08h light/ 16h dark15.3
Run Accession Stage Treatment Replicate
SRR3137023Lacey and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootFusariumRep 1
SRR3137027Lacey and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootFusarium graminearumRep 2
SRR3137028Lacey and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootFusarium graminearumRep 3
SRR3137030Lacey and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootFusarium graminearumRep 1
SRR3137052Lacey and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootFusarium graminearumRep 2
SRR3137061Lacey and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootFusarium graminearumRep 3
SRR3137062Lacey and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootwaterRep 1
SRR3137064Lacey and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootwaterRep 2
SRR3137066Lacey and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootwaterRep 3
SRR3137070Lacey and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootwaterRep 1
SRR3137071Lacey and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootwaterRep 2
SRR3137072Lacey and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootwaterRep 3
SRR3137073Lacey and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootFusarium graminearumRep 1
SRR3137074Lacey and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootFusarium graminearumRep 2
SRR3137075Lacey and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootFusarium graminearumRep 3
SRR3137076Lacey and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootFusarium graminearumRep 1
SRR3137082Lacey and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootFusarium graminearumRep 2
SRR3137094Lacey and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootFusarium graminearumRep 3
SRR3137095Lacey and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootwaterRep 1
SRR3137096Lacey and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootwaterRep 2
SRR3137097Lacey and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootwaterRep 3
SRR3137098Lacey and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootwaterRep 1
SRR3137103Lacey and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootwaterRep 2
SRR3137104Lacey and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootwaterRep 3
SRR3137105M69 and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootFusarium graminearumRep 1
SRR3137106M69 and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootFusarium graminearumRep 2
SRR3137107M69 and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootFusarium graminearumRep 3
SRR3137109M69 and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootFusarium graminearumRep 1
SRR3137110M69 and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootFusarium graminearumRep 2
SRR3137111M69 and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootFusarium graminearumRep 3
SRR3137115M69 and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootwaterRep 1
SRR3137118M69 and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootwaterRep 2
SRR3137119M69 and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootwaterRep 3
SRR3137120M69 and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootwaterRep 1
SRR3137121M69 and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootwaterRep 2
SRR3137122M69 and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootwaterRep 3
SRR3137125M69 and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootFusarium graminearumRep 1
SRR3137127M69 and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootFusarium graminearumRep 2
SRR3137130M69 and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootFusarium graminearumRep 3
SRR3137131M69 and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootFusarium graminearumRep 1
SRR3137134M69 and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootFusarium graminearumRep 2
SRR3137137M69 and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootFusarium graminearumRep 3
SRR3137138M69 and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootwaterRep 1
SRR3137139M69 and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootwaterRep 2
SRR3137140M69 and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootwaterRep 3
SRR3137146M69 and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootwaterRep 1
SRR3137149M69 and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootwaterRep 2
SRR3137150M69 and IL2-3 days after their complete emergence from the bootwaterRep 3
Run Accession Tissue Treatment Replicate
SRR3224792Morex Mutant 14-40seedlingInoculated, spot blotch, early infection(12-36 hours after inoculation)3
SRR3290245Morex WTseedlingInoculated, spot blotch, early infection(12-36 hours after inoculation)1
SRR3290246Morex WTseedlingInoculated, spot blotch, early infection(12-36 hours after inoculation)2
SRR3290247Morex WTseedlingInoculated, spot blotch, early infection(12-36 hours after inoculation)1
SRR3290248Morex WTseedlingInoculated, spot blotch, early infection(12-36 hours after inoculation)2
SRR3290249Morex WTseedlingInoculated, spot blotch, early infection(12-36 hours after inoculation)1
SRR3290250Morex WTseedlingInoculated, spot blotch, early infection(12-36 hours after inoculation)2
SRR3290251Morex Mutant 14-40seedlingInoculated, spot blotch, early infection(12-36 hours after inoculation)1
SRR3290252Morex Mutant 14-40seedlingInoculated, spot blotch, early infection(12-36 hours after inoculation)2
SRR3290253Morex Mutant 14-40seedlingInoculated, spot blotch, early infection(12-36 hours after inoculation)1
SRR3290254Morex Mutant 14-40seedlingInoculated, spot blotch, early infection(12-36 hours after inoculation)2
SRR3290255Morex Mutant 14-40seedlingInoculated, spot blotch, early infection(12-36 hours after inoculation)1
SRR3290256Morex Mutant 14-40seedlingInoculated, spot blotch, early infection(12-36 hours after inoculation)2
SRR3290257Morex WTseedlingMock (water)-Inoculated, water control, 12-36 hours after mock-inoculation1
SRR3290258Morex WTseedlingMock (water)-Inoculated, water control, 12-36 hours after mock-inoculation2
SRR3290259Morex WTseedlingMock (water)-Inoculated, water control, 12-36 hours after mock-inoculation1
SRR3290260Morex WTseedlingMock (water)-Inoculated, water control, 12-36 hours after mock-inoculation2
SRR3290261Morex WTseedlingMock (water)-Inoculated, water control, 12-36 hours after mock-inoculation1
SRR3290262Morex WTseedlingMock (water)-Inoculated, water control, 12-36 hours after mock-inoculation2
SRR3290263Morex Mutant 14-40seedlingMock (water)-Inoculated, water control, 12-36 hours after mock-inoculation1
SRR3290264Morex Mutant 14-40seedlingMock (water)-Inoculated, water control, 12-36 hours after mock-inoculation2
SRR3290265Morex Mutant 14-40seedlingMock (water)-Inoculated, water control, 12-36 hours after mock-inoculation1
SRR3290266Morex Mutant 14-40seedlingMock (water)-Inoculated, water control, 12-36 hours after mock-inoculation2
SRR3290267Morex Mutant 14-40seedlingMock (water)-Inoculated, water control, 12-36 hours after mock-inoculation1
SRR3290268Morex Mutant 14-40seedlingMock (water)-Inoculated, water control, 12-36 hours after mock-inoculation2
SRR3290269Morex WTseedlingInoculated, spot blotch, early infection(12-36 hours after inoculation)1
SRR3290270Morex WTseedlingInoculated, spot blotch, early infection(12-36 hours after inoculation)2
SRR3290271Morex WTseedlingInoculated, spot blotch, early infection(12-36 hours after inoculation)1
SRR3290272Morex WTseedlingInoculated, spot blotch, early infection(12-36 hours after inoculation)2
SRR3290273Morex WTseedlingInoculated, spot blotch, early infection(12-36 hours after inoculation)1
SRR3290274Morex WTseedlingInoculated, spot blotch, early infection(12-36 hours after inoculation)2
SRR3290275Morex WTseedlingInoculated, spot blotch, early infection(12-36 hours after inoculation)3
SRR3290276Morex WTseedlingInoculated, spot blotch, early infection(12-36 hours after inoculation)1
SRR3290277Morex Mutant 14-40seedlingInoculated, spot blotch, early infection(12-36 hours after inoculation)2
SRR3290278Morex Mutant 14-40seedlingInoculated, spot blotch, early infection(12-36 hours after inoculation)1
SRR3290279Morex Mutant 14-40seedlingInoculated, spot blotch, early infection(12-36 hours after inoculation)2
SRR3290280Morex Mutant 14-40seedlingInoculated, spot blotch, early infection(12-36 hours after inoculation)1
SRR3290281Morex Mutant 14-40seedlingInoculated, spot blotch, early infection(12-36 hours after inoculation)2
SRR3290282Morex Mutant 14-40seedlingInoculated, spot blotch, early infection(12-36 hours after inoculation)3
SRR3290283Morex WTseedlingMock (water)-Inoculated, water control, 12-36 hours after mock-inoculation1
SRR3290284Morex WTseedlingMock (water)-Inoculated, water control, 12-36 hours after mock-inoculation2
SRR3290285Morex WTseedlingMock (water)-Inoculated, water control, 12-36 hours after mock-inoculation1
SRR3290286Morex WTseedlingMock (water)-Inoculated, water control, 12-36 hours after mock-inoculation2
SRR3290287Morex WTseedlingMock (water)-Inoculated, water control, 12-36 hours after mock-inoculation1
SRR3290288Morex WTseedlingMock (water)-Inoculated, water control, 12-36 hours after mock-inoculation2
SRR3290289Morex WTseedlingMock (water)-Inoculated, water control, 12-36 hours after mock-inoculation3
SRR3290290Morex Mutant 14-40seedlingMock (water)-Inoculated, water control, 12-36 hours after mock-inoculation1
SRR3290291Morex Mutant 14-40seedlingMock (water)-Inoculated, water control, 12-36 hours after mock-inoculation2
SRR3290292Morex Mutant 14-40seedlingMock (water)-Inoculated, water control, 12-36 hours after mock-inoculation1
SRR3290293Morex Mutant 14-40seedlingMock (water)-Inoculated, water control, 12-36 hours after mock-inoculation2
SRR3290294Morex Mutant 14-40seedlingMock (water)-Inoculated, water control, 12-36 hours after mock-inoculation1
SRR3290295Morex Mutant 14-40seedlingMock (water)-Inoculated, water control, 12-36 hours after mock-inoculation2
SRR3290296Morex Mutant 14-40seedlingMock (water)-Inoculated, water control, 12-36 hours after mock-inoculation3
SRR3290297Morex WTseedlingInoculated, spot blotch, early infection(12-36 hours after inoculation)1
SRR3290298Morex WTseedlingInoculated, spot blotch, early infection(12-36 hours after inoculation)2
SRR3290299Morex WTseedlingInoculated, spot blotch, early infection(12-36 hours after inoculation)3
SRR3290300Morex WTseedlingInoculated, spot blotch, early infection(12-36 hours after inoculation)1
SRR3290301Morex WTseedlingInoculated, spot blotch, early infection(12-36 hours after inoculation)2
SRR3290302Morex WTseedlingInoculated, spot blotch, early infection(12-36 hours after inoculation)3
SRR3290303Morex WTseedlingInoculated, spot blotch, early infection(12-36 hours after inoculation)1
SRR3290304Morex WTseedlingInoculated, spot blotch, early infection(12-36 hours after inoculation)2
SRR3290305Morex WTseedlingInoculated, spot blotch, early infection(12-36 hours after inoculation)3
SRR3290306Morex Mutant 14-40seedlingInoculated, spot blotch, early infection(12-36 hours after inoculation)1
SRR3290307Morex Mutant 14-40seedlingInoculated, spot blotch, early infection(12-36 hours after inoculation)2
SRR3290308Morex Mutant 14-40seedlingInoculated, spot blotch, early infection(12-36 hours after inoculation)3
SRR3290309Morex Mutant 14-40seedlingInoculated, spot blotch, early infection(12-36 hours after inoculation)3
SRR3290310Morex Mutant 14-40seedlingInoculated, spot blotch, early infection(12-36 hours after inoculation)1
SRR3290311Morex Mutant 14-40seedlingInoculated, spot blotch, early infection(12-36 hours after inoculation)2
SRR3290312Morex Mutant 14-40seedlingInoculated, spot blotch, early infection(12-36 hours after inoculation)3
SRR3290313Morex WTseedlingMock (water)-Inoculated, water control, 12-36 hours after mock-inoculation1
SRR3290314Morex WTseedlingMock (water)-Inoculated, water control, 12-36 hours after mock-inoculation2
SRR3290315Morex WTseedlingMock (water)-Inoculated, water control, 12-36 hours after mock-inoculation3
SRR3290316Morex WTseedlingMock (water)-Inoculated, water control, 12-36 hours after mock-inoculation1
SRR3290317Morex WTseedlingMock (water)-Inoculated, water control, 12-36 hours after mock-inoculation2
SRR3290318Morex WTseedlingMock (water)-Inoculated, water control, 12-36 hours after mock-inoculation3
SRR3290319Morex WTseedlingMock (water)-Inoculated, water control, 12-36 hours after mock-inoculation1
SRR3290320Morex WTseedlingMock (water)-Inoculated, water control, 12-36 hours after mock-inoculation2
SRR3290321Morex WTseedlingMock (water)-Inoculated, water control, 12-36 hours after mock-inoculation3
SRR3290322Morex Mutant 14-40seedlingMock (water)-Inoculated, water control, 12-36 hours after mock-inoculation1
SRR3290323Morex Mutant 14-40seedlingMock (water)-Inoculated, water control, 12-36 hours after mock-inoculation2
SRR3290324Morex Mutant 14-40seedlingMock (water)-Inoculated, water control, 12-36 hours after mock-inoculation3
SRR3290325Morex Mutant 14-40seedlingMock (water)-Inoculated, water control, 12-36 hours after mock-inoculation1
SRR3290326Morex Mutant 14-40seedlingMock (water)-Inoculated, water control, 12-36 hours after mock-inoculation2
SRR3290327Morex Mutant 14-40seedlingMock (water)-Inoculated, water control, 12-36 hours after mock-inoculation3
SRR3290328Morex Mutant 14-40seedlingMock (water)-Inoculated, water control, 12-36 hours after mock-inoculation1
SRR3290329Morex Mutant 14-40seedlingMock (water)-Inoculated, water control, 12-36 hours after mock-inoculation2
SRR3290330Morex Mutant 14-40seedlingMock (water)-Inoculated, water control, 12-36 hours after mock-inoculation3
Run Accession Tissue Treatment Replicate
SRR3618865Rolapshoot tissue22°C1
SRR3618866Rolapshoot tissue22°C2
SRR3618867Rolapshoot tissue22°C3
SRR3618868Rolapshoot tissue35.5°C1
SRR3618869Rolapshoot tissue35.5°C2
SRR3618870Rolapshoot tissue35.5°C3
SRR3618871Rolaproot tissue22°C1
SRR3618872Rolaproot tissue22°C2
SRR3618873Rolaproot tissue35.5°C1
SRR3618874Rolaproot tissue35.5°C2
Run Age Tissue
SRR533185315 to 40 daysgrain
SRR533185415 to 40 daysgrain
SRR533185515 to 40 daysgrain
SRR533185615 to 40 daysgrain
SRR533185715 to 40 daysgrain
SRR533185815 to 40 daysgrain
SRR533185915 to 40 daysgrain
SRR533186015 to 40 daysgrain
SRR533186115 to 40 daysgrain
SRR533186215 to 40 daysgrain
SRR533186315 to 40 daysgrain
SRR533186415 to 40 daysgrain
SRR533186515 to 40 daysgrain
SRR533186615 to 40 daysgrain
SRR533186715 to 40 daysgrain
SRR533186815 to 40 daysgrain
SRR533186915 to 40 daysgrain
SRR533187015 to 40 daysgrain
SRR533187115 to 40 daysgrain
SRR533187215 to 40 daysgrain
SRR533187315 to 40 daysgrain
SRR533187415 to 40 daysgrain
SRR533187515 to 40 daysgrain
SRR533187615 to 40 daysgrain
Run Accession Stage Tissue Replicate
SRR5452097Morexroots80 µM Cdbiological replicate 3
SRR5452098Morexshoots80 µM Cdbiological replicate 3
SRR5452099Morexroots80 µM Cdbiological replicate 2
SRR5452100Morexshoots80 µM Cdbiological replicate 2
SRR5452101Morexroots80 µM Cdbiological replicate 1
SRR5452102Morexshoots80 µM Cdbiological replicate 1
SRR5452103Morexrootscontrol Cdbiological replicate 3
SRR5452104Morexshootscontrol Cdbiological replicate 3
SRR5452105Morexrootscontrol Cdbiological replicate 2
SRR5452106Morexshootscontrol Cdbiological replicate 2
SRR5452107Morexrootscontrol Cdbiological replicate 1
SRR5452108Morexshootscontrol Cdbiological replicate 1
SRR5452109Morexroots570 µM Znbiological replicate 3
SRR5452110Morexshoots570 µM Znbiological replicate 3
SRR5452111Morexroots570 µM Znbiological replicate 2
SRR5452112Morexshoots570 µM Znbiological replicate 2
SRR5452113Morexroots570 µM Znbiological replicate 1
SRR5452114Morexshoots570 µM Znbiological replicate 1
SRR5452115Morexrootscontrol Znbiological replicate 3
SRR5452116Morexshootscontrol Znbiological replicate 3
SRR5452117Morexrootscontrol Znbiological replicate 2
SRR5452118Morexshootscontrol Znbiological replicate 2
SRR5452119Morexrootscontrol Znbiological replicate 1
SRR5452120Morexshootscontrol Znbiological replicate 1
SRR5452121Morexroots50 µM Cubiological replicate 3
SRR5452122Morexshoots50 µM Cubiological replicate 3
SRR5452123Morexroots50 µM Cubiological replicate 2
SRR5452124Morexshoots50 µM Cubiological replicate 2
SRR5452125Morexroots50 µM Cubiological replicate 1
SRR5452126Morexshoots50 µM Cubiological replicate 1
SRR5452127Morexrootscontrol Cubiological replicate 3
SRR5452128Morexshootscontrol Cubiological replicate 3
SRR5452129Morexrootscontrol Cubiological replicate 2
SRR5452130Morexshootscontrol Cubiological replicate 2
SRR5452131Morexrootscontrol Cubiological replicate 1
SRR5452132Morexshootscontrol Cubiological replicate 1
Run Accession Tissue Treatment
Run Accession Age Tissue Treatment Replicate
SRR6655989GN1213 daysrootnormal phosphorus1
SRR6655982GN1213 daysrootnormal phosphorus2
SRR6655942GN1213 daysrootnormal phosphorus3
SRR6655985GN1213 daysleafnormal phosphorus1
SRR6655968GN1213 daysleafnormal phosphorus2
SRR6655970GN1213 daysleafnormal phosphorus3
SRR6655946GN12119 daysrootnormal phosphorus1
SRR6655950GN12119 daysrootnormal phosphorus2
SRR6655981GN12119 daysrootnormal phosphorus3
SRR6655939GN12119 daysleafnormal phosphorus1
SRR6655947GN12119 daysleafnormal phosphorus2
SRR6655941GN12119 daysleafnormal phosphorus3
SRR6655949GN1213 daysrootlow phosphorus1
SRR6655948GN1213 daysrootlow phosphorus2
SRR6655951GN1213 daysrootlow phosphorus3
SRR6655938GN1213 daysleaflow phosphorus1
SRR6655953GN1213 daysleaflow phosphorus2
SRR6655952GN1213 daysleaflow phosphorus3
SRR6655965GN12119 daysrootlow phosphorus1
SRR6655964GN12119 daysrootlow phosphorus2
SRR6655990GN12119 daysrootlow phosphorus3
SRR6655991GN12119 daysleaflow phosphorus1
SRR6655992GN12119 daysleaflow phosphorus2
SRR6655993GN12119 daysleaflow phosphorus3
SRR6655986GN12122 daysrootlow phosphorus1
SRR6655987GN12122 daysrootlow phosphorus2
SRR6655988GN12122 daysrootlow phosphorus3
SRR6655940GN12122 daysleaflow phosphorus1
SRR6655984GN12122 daysleaflow phosphorus2
SRR6655983GN12122 daysleaflow phosphorus3
SRR6655955GN12122 daysrootrecovery with normal phosphorus1
SRR6655954GN12122 daysrootrecovery with normal phosphorus2
SRR6655944GN12122 daysrootrecovery with normal phosphorus3
SRR6655943GN12122 daysleafrecovery with normal phosphorus1
SRR6655980GN12122 daysleafrecovery with normal phosphorus2
SRR6655979GN12122 daysleafrecovery with normal phosphorus3
SRR6655973GN423 daysrootnormal phosphorus1
SRR6655974GN423 daysrootnormal phosphorus2
SRR6655969GN423 daysrootnormal phosphorus3
SRR6655945GN423 daysleafnormal phosphorus1
SRR6656002GN423 daysleafnormal phosphorus2
SRR6656003GN423 daysleafnormal phosphorus3
SRR6655975GN4219 daysrootnormal phosphorus1
SRR6655976GN4219 daysrootnormal phosphorus2
SRR6655977GN4219 daysrootnormal phosphorus3
SRR6655978GN4219 daysleafnormal phosphorus1
SRR6655971GN4219 daysleafnormal phosphorus2
SRR6655972GN4219 daysleafnormal phosphorus3
SRR6655957GN423 daysrootlow phosphorus1
SRR6655956GN423 daysrootlow phosphorus2
SRR6655959GN423 daysrootlow phosphorus3
SRR6655958GN423 daysleaflow phosphorus1
SRR6655967GN423 daysleaflow phosphorus2
SRR6655966GN423 daysleaflow phosphorus3
SRR6656004GN4219 daysrootlow phosphorus1
SRR6656005GN4219 daysrootlow phosphorus2
SRR6656006GN4219 daysrootlow phosphorus3
SRR6656007GN4219 daysleaflow phosphorus1
SRR6656008GN4219 daysleaflow phosphorus2
SRR6656009GN4219 daysleaflow phosphorus3
SRR6655994GN4222 daysrootlow phosphorus1
SRR6655995GN4222 daysrootlow phosphorus2
SRR6655961GN4222 daysrootlow phosphorus3
SRR6655960GN4222 daysleaflow phosphorus1
SRR6655963GN4222 daysleaflow phosphorus2
SRR6655962GN4222 daysleaflow phosphorus3
SRR6656000GN4222 daysrootrecovery with normal phosphorus1
SRR6656001GN4222 daysrootrecovery with normal phosphorus2
SRR6655998GN4222 daysrootrecovery with normal phosphorus3
SRR6655999GN4222 daysleafrecovery with normal phosphorus1
SRR6655996GN4222 daysleafrecovery with normal phosphorus2
SRR6655997GN4222 daysleafrecovery with normal phosphorus3
Run Accession Tissue Treatment Replicate
SRR6869705ScarlettRoot zone Cwater deficit2
SRR6869706ScarlettRoot zone Cwater deficit1
SRR6869707ScarlettRoot zone Cwater deficit4
SRR6869708ScarlettRoot zone Cwater deficit3
SRR6869709ScarlettRoot zone Bwater deficit3
SRR6869710ScarlettRoot zone Bcontrol4
SRR6869711ScarlettRoot zone Awater deficit3
SRR6869712ScarlettRoot zone Awater deficit4
SRR6869713ScarlettRoot zone Bwater deficit1
SRR6869714ScarlettRoot zone Bwater deficit2
SRR6869715ScarlettRoot zone Ccontrol3
SRR6869716ScarlettRoot zone Ccontrol4
SRR6869717ScarlettRoot zone Awater deficit1
SRR6869718ScarlettRoot zone Awater deficit2
SRR6869719ScarlettRoot zone Ccontrol1
SRR6869720ScarlettRoot zone Ccontrol2
SRR6869721ScarlettRoot zone Acontrol1
SRR6869722ScarlettRoot zone Acontrol2
SRR6869723ScarlettRoot zone Acontrol3
SRR6869724ScarlettRoot zone Acontrol4
SRR6869725ScarlettRoot zone Bcontrol1
SRR6869726ScarlettRoot zone Bcontrol2
SRR6869727ScarlettRoot zone Bcontrol3
SRR6869728ScarlettRoot zone Bcontrol4
Run Accession Stage Tissue
SRR15465685Barke3rd stem internode3rd stem internode
SRR15465689BarkeLodicule day 55Lodicule
SRR15465693BarkeDay 6 shoot apexShoot Apex
SRR15465694BarkeDeveloping grain 5 dpaDeveloping grain
SRR15465695Barke50 day inflourescenceInflorescence
SRR15465696BarkeSalt stress embroyosEmbroyo
SRR15465697BarkeHot stress coleoptilesColeoptile
SRR15465698BarkeRhynchosporium infected leaf 3dpi\, 9dpiLeaf
SRR15465684BarkePalea day 55Palea
SRR15465686Barke23 day rootsRoot
SRR15465687Barke6 day embroyoEmbroyo
SRR15465688BarkeDay 35 rootRoot
SRR15465690BarkeDay 14 seedlingLeaf
SRR15465691BarkeEtoliated LeafLeaf
SRR15465692Barke35 day inflourescenceInflorescence
SRR15465700BarkeCold stress coleoptilesColeoptile
SRR15465701Barke15 dpa developing grainDeveloping grain
SRR15465702BarkeRachis day 55Rachis
SRR15465703BarkeLemma day 55Lemma
Run Accession Tissue Treatment Replicate
SRR10150523B968leaflow nitrogenreplicate 1
SRR10150522B968leaflow nitrogenreplicate 2
SRR10150521B968leafnormal nitrogenreplicate 1
SRR10150520B968leafnormal nitrogenreplicate 2
Run Accession Tissue Treatment Replicate
SRR10951966Deder2root control 0hreplicate1
SRR10951967Deder2root control 0hreplicate2
SRR10951968Deder2root control 0hreplicate3
SRR10951969Deder2root control 0hreplicate4
SRR10951974Deder2root control 72hreplicate1
SRR10951975Deder2root control 72hreplicate2
SRR10951976Deder2root control 72hreplicate3
SRR10951977Deder2root control 72hreplicate4
SRR10951982Deder2root waterlogged 72hreplicate1
SRR10951983Deder2root waterlogged 72hreplicate2
SRR10951984Deder2root waterlogged 72hreplicate3
SRR10951985Deder2root waterlogged 72hreplicate4
SRR10951990Deder2root control 120hreplicate1
SRR10951991Deder2root control 120hreplicate2
SRR10951992Deder2root control 120hreplicate3
SRR10951993Deder2root control 120hreplicate4
SRR10951994Deder2root waterlogged 120hreplicate1
SRR10951995Deder2root waterlogged 120hreplicate2
SRR10951996Deder2root waterlogged 120hreplicate3
SRR10951997Deder2root waterlogged 120hreplicate4
SRR10951970Yerongroot control 0hreplicate1
SRR10951971Yerongroot control 0hreplicate2
SRR10951972Yerongroot control 0hreplicate3
SRR10951973Yerongroot control 0hreplicate4
SRR10951978Yerongroot control 72hreplicate1
SRR10951979Yerongroot control 72hreplicate2
SRR10951980Yerongroot control 72hreplicate3
SRR10951981Yerongroot control 72hreplicate4
SRR10951986Yerongroot waterlogged 72hreplicate1
SRR10951987Yerongroot waterlogged 72hreplicate2
SRR10951988Yerongroot waterlogged 72hreplicate3
SRR10951989Yerongroot waterlogged 72hreplicate4
Run Accession Tissue treatment Replicate
SRR13765035Sebastianroot48h at pH=6replicate 1
SRR13765036Sebastianroot48h at pH=6replicate 2
SRR13765037Sebastianroot48h at pH=6replicate 3
SRR13765038Sebastianroot48h at pH=4replicate 1
SRR13765039Sebastianroot48h at pH=4replicate 2
SRR13765040Sebastianroot48h at pH=4replicate 3
SRR13765041Sebastianroot48h at pH=4 + 24h Al treatment at pH=4replicate 1
SRR13765042Sebastianroot48h at pH=4 + 24h Al treatment at pH=4replicate 2
SRR13765043Sebastianroot48h at pH=4 + 24h Al treatment at pH=4replicate 3
SRR13765044Sebastianroot9d at pH=6replicate 1
SRR13765045Sebastianroot9d at pH=6replicate 2
SRR13765046Sebastianroot9d at pH=6replicate 3
SRR13765047Sebastianroot9d at pH=4replicate 1
SRR13765048Sebastianroot9d at pH=4replicate 2
SRR13765049Sebastianroot9d at pH=4replicate 3
SRR13765050Sebastianroot2d at pH=4 + 7d Al treatment at pH=4replicate 1
SRR13765051Sebastianroot2d at pH=4 + 7d Al treatment at pH=4replicate 2
SRR13765052Sebastianroot2d at pH=4 + 7d Al treatment at pH=4replicate 3
Run Accession Tissue treatment Replicate
SRR14467133CDC KendallSeedNIV_72 hrreplicate1
SRR14467137CDC KendallSeedNIV_72 hrreplicate2
SRR14467140CDC KendallSeedNIV_72 hrreplicate3
SRR14467135CDC KendallSeedNIV_96 hrreplicate1
SRR14467138CDC KendallSeedNIV_96 hrreplicate2
SRR14467142CDC KendallSeedNIV_96 hrreplicate3
SRR14467097CDC KendallSeedMOCK_72 hrreplicate1
SRR14467101CDC KendallSeedMOCK_72 hrreplicate2
SRR14467107CDC KendallSeedMOCK_72 hrreplicate3
SRR14467098CDC KendallSeedMOCK_96 hrreplicate1
SRR14467102CDC KendallSeedMOCK_96 hrreplicate2
SRR14467104CDC KendallSeedMOCK_96 hrreplicate3
SRR14467123CDC KendallSeed3ADON_72 hrreplicate1
SRR14467125CDC KendallSeed3ADON_72 hrreplicate2
SRR14467130CDC KendallSeed3ADON_72 hrreplicate3
SRR14467120CDC KendallSeed3ADON_96 hrreplicate1
SRR14467127CDC KendallSeed3ADON_96 hrreplicate2
SRR14467129CDC KendallSeed3ADON_96 hrreplicate3
SRR14467111CDC KendallSeed15ADON_72 hrreplicate1
SRR14467112CDC KendallSeed15ADON_72 hrreplicate2
SRR14467118CDC KendallSeed15ADON_72 hrreplicate3
SRR14467109CDC KendallSeed15ADON_96 hrreplicate1
SRR14467114CDC KendallSeed15ADON_96 hrreplicate2
SRR14467117CDC KendallSeed15ADON_96 hrreplicate3
SRR14467132NormanSeedNIV_72 hrreplicate1
SRR14467136NormanSeedNIV_72 hrreplicate2
SRR14467141NormanSeedNIV_72 hrreplicate3
SRR14467134NormanSeedNIV_96 hrreplicate1
SRR14467139NormanSeedNIV_96 hrreplicate2
SRR14467143NormanSeedNIV_96 hrreplicate3
SRR14467096NormanSeedMOCK_72 hrreplicate1
SRR14467100NormanSeedMOCK_72 hrreplicate2
SRR14467106NormanSeedMOCK_72 hrreplicate3
SRR14467099NormanSeedMOCK_96 hrreplicate1
SRR14467103NormanSeedMOCK_96 hrreplicate2
SRR14467105NormanSeedMOCK_96 hrreplicate3
SRR14467122NormanSeed3ADON_72 hrreplicate1
SRR14467124NormanSeed3ADON_72 hrreplicate2
SRR14467131NormanSeed3ADON_72 hrreplicate3
SRR14467121NormanSeed3ADON_96 hrreplicate1
SRR14467126NormanSeed3ADON_96 hrreplicate2
SRR14467128NormanSeed3ADON_96 hrreplicate3
SRR14467110NormanSeed15ADON_72 hrreplicate1
SRR14467113NormanSeed15ADON_72 hrreplicate2
SRR14467119NormanSeed15ADON_72 hrreplicate3
SRR14467108NormanSeed15ADON_96 hrreplicate1
SRR14467115NormanSeed15ADON_96 hrreplicate2
SRR14467116NormanSeed15ADON_96 hrreplicate3
Run Accession Stage treatment Replicate
SRR15068534Evergreenyoung leaves at T16-day waterloggedreplicate1
SRR15068543Evergreenyoung leaves at T16-day waterloggedreplicate2
SRR15068544Evergreenyoung leaves at T16-day waterloggedreplicate3
SRR15068536Evergreenmature leaves at T16-day waterloggedreplicate1
SRR15068537Evergreenmature leaves at T16-day waterloggedreplicate2
SRR15068538Evergreenmature leaves at T16-day waterloggedreplicate3
SRR15068504Evergreenyoung leaves at T157-day-old controlledreplicate1
SRR15068515Evergreenyoung leaves at T157-day-old controlledreplicate2
SRR15068539Evergreenyoung leaves at T157-day-old controlledreplicate3
SRR15068526Evergreenmature leaves at T157-day-old controlledreplicate1
SRR15068545Evergreenmature leaves at T157-day-old controlledreplicate2
SRR15068546Evergreenmature leaves at T157-day-old controlledreplicate3
SRR15068511Evergreenyoung leaves at T26-day waterloggedreplicate1
SRR15068510Evergreenyoung leaves at T26-day waterloggedreplicate2
SRR15068509Evergreenyoung leaves at T26-day waterloggedreplicate3
SRR15068514Evergreenmature leaves at T26-day waterloggedreplicate1
SRR15068513Evergreenmature leaves at T26-day waterloggedreplicate2
SRR15068512Evergreenmature leaves at T26-day waterloggedreplicate3
SRR15068518Evergreenyoung leaves at T263-day-old controlledreplicate1
SRR15068517Evergreenyoung leaves at T263-day-old controlledreplicate2
SRR15068516Evergreenyoung leaves at T263-day-old controlledreplicate3
SRR15068521Evergreenmature leaves at T263-day-old controlledreplicate1
SRR15068520Evergreenmature leaves at T263-day-old controlledreplicate2
SRR15068519Evergreenmature leaves at T263-day-old controlledreplicate3
SRR15068524Laurikkayoung leaves at T16-day waterloggedreplicate1
SRR15068523Laurikkayoung leaves at T16-day waterloggedreplicate2
SRR15068522Laurikkayoung leaves at T16-day waterloggedreplicate3
SRR15068528Laurikkamature leaves at T16-day waterloggedreplicate1
SRR15068527Laurikkamature leaves at T16-day waterloggedreplicate2
SRR15068525Laurikkamature leaves at T16-day waterloggedreplicate3
SRR15068531Laurikkayoung leaves at T157-day-old controlledreplicate1
SRR15068530Laurikkayoung leaves at T157-day-old controlledreplicate2
SRR15068529Laurikkayoung leaves at T157-day-old controlledreplicate3
SRR15068535Laurikkamature leaves at T157-day-old controlledreplicate1
SRR15068533Laurikkamature leaves at T157-day-old controlledreplicate2
SRR15068532Laurikkamature leaves at T157-day-old controlledreplicate3
SRR15068540Laurikkayoung leaves at T26-day waterloggedreplicate1
SRR15068541Laurikkayoung leaves at T26-day waterloggedreplicate2
SRR15068542Laurikkayoung leaves at T26-day waterloggedreplicate3
SRR15068499Laurikkamature leaves at T26-day waterloggedreplicate1
SRR15068500Laurikkamature leaves at T26-day waterloggedreplicate2
SRR15068501Laurikkamature leaves at T26-day waterloggedreplicate3
SRR15068502Laurikkayoung leaves at T263-day-old controlledreplicate1
SRR15068503Laurikkayoung leaves at T263-day-old controlledreplicate2
SRR15068505Laurikkayoung leaves at T263-day-old controlledreplicate3
SRR15068506Laurikkamature leaves at T263-day-old controlledreplicate1
SRR15068507Laurikkamature leaves at T263-day-old controlledreplicate2
SRR15068508Laurikkamature leaves at T263-day-old controlledreplicate3
Run Accession Tissue Lat_Lon
SRR8279191Tabigha basalt:B08-10, 134th leaf32.87 N 35.54 E
SRR8279192Tabigha basalt:B08-10, 64th leaf32.87 N 35.55 E
SRR8279193Rosh Pinna:B08-2, 24th leaf32.97 N 35.56 E
SRR8279194Talpiyyot:B80-3, 184th leaf31.75 N 35.22 E
SRR8279195Talpiyyot:B80-3, 34th leaf31.75 N 35.22 E
SRR8279196Talpiyyot:B08-3, 24th leaf31.75 N 35.22 E
SRR8279197Mt. Hermon:B80-1, 134th leaf33.3 N 35.73 E
SRR8279198Mt. Hermon:B80-1, 164th leaf33.3 N 35.73 E
SRR8279199Mt. Hermon:B08-1, 84th leaf33.3 N 35.73 E
SRR8279200Rosh Pinna:B80-2, 94th leaf32.97 N 35.56 E
SRR8279201Talpiyyot:B08-3, 34th leaf31.75 N 35.22 E
SRR8279202Eyzariya:B80-4, 54th leaf31.77 N 35.27 E
SRR8279203Wadi Qilt:B80-8, 194th leaf31.84 N 35.40 E
SRR8279204Wadi Qilt:B80-8, 64th leaf31.84 N 35.40 E
SRR8279205Mehola:B08-7, 54th leaf32.37 N 35.52 E
SRR8279206Mehola:B80-7, 124th leaf32.37 N 35.52 E
SRR8279207Wadi Qilt:B80-8, 54th leaf31.84 N 35.40 E
SRR8279208Mehola:B08-7, 84th leaf32.37 N 35.52 E
SRR8279209Biet Shean:B80-6, 174th leaf32.50 N 35.50 E
SRR8279210Sede Boqer:B08-5, 74th leaf30.87 N 34.79 E
SRR8279211Mehola:B80-7, 44th leaf32.37 N 35.52 E
SRR8279212Biet Shean:B08-6, 64th leaf32.50 N 35.50 E
SRR8279213Tabigha basalt:B80-10, 194th leaf32.87 N 35.55 E
SRR8279214Tabigha basalt:B80-10, 194th leaf32.87 N 35.55 E
SRR8279215Tabigha terra rosa:B08-9, 84th leaf32.87 N 35.55 E
SRR8279216Tabigha terra rosa:B08-9, 174th leaf32.87 N 35.55 E
SRR8279217Tabigha terra rosa:B80-9, 144th leaf32.87 N 35.55 E
SRR8279218Tabigha terra rosa:B80-9, 154th leaf32.87 N 35.55 E
SRR8279219Wadi Qilt:B08-8, 194th leaf31.84 N 35.40 E
SRR8279220Wadi Qilt:B08-8, 204th leaf31.84 N 35.40 E
SRR8279221Wadi Qilt:B80-8, 84th leaf31.84 N 35.40 E
SRR8279222Wadi Qilt:B08-8, 134th leaf31.84 N 35.40 E
SRR8279223Eyzariya:B80-4, 44th leaf31.77 N 35.27 E
SRR8279224Eyzariya:B80-4, 104th leaf31.77 N 35.27 E
SRR8279225Eyzariya:B80-4, 164th leaf31.77 N 35.27 E
SRR8279226Eyzariya:B08-4, 164th leaf31.77 N 35.27 E
SRR8279227Eyzariya:B08-4, 24th leaf31.77 N 35.27 E
SRR8279228Eyzariya:B08-4, 174th leaf31.77 N 35.27 E
SRR8279229Sede Boqer:B80-5, 154th leaf30.87 N 34.79 E
SRR8279230Sede Boqer:B80-5, 174th leaf30.87 N 34.79 E
SRR8279231Sede Boqer:B08-5, 144th leaf30.87 N 34.79 E
SRR8279232Sede Boqer:B08-5, 164th leaf30.87 N 34.79 E
Run Accession Tissue Treatment Replicate
SRR12720034Basalt76rootwild barley accessions inhabiting Basalt soil1
SRR12720036Basalt60rootwild barley accessions inhabiting Basalt soil2
SRR12720037Basalt60rootwild barley accessions inhabiting Basalt soil1
SRR12720038Terra Rossa169leafwild barley accessions inhabiting Terra Rossa soil3
SRR12720040Terra Rossa169leafwild barley accessions inhabiting Terra Rossa soil1
SRR12720042Terra Rossa166leafwild barley accessions inhabiting Terra Rossa soil2
SRR12720047Terra Rossa110leafwild barley accessions inhabiting Terra Rossa soil3
SRR12720048Basalt59rootwild barley accessions inhabiting Basalt soil3
SRR12720051Terra Rossa109leafwild barley accessions inhabiting Terra Rossa soil3
SRR12720055Basalt99leafwild barley accessions inhabiting Basalt soil2
SRR12720058Basalt76leafwild barley accessions inhabiting Basalt soil2
SRR12720059Basalt59rootwild barley accessions inhabiting Basalt soil2
SRR12720060Basalt76leafwild barley accessions inhabiting Basalt soil1
SRR12720061Basalt60leafwild barley accessions inhabiting Basalt soil3
SRR12720064Basalt59leafwild barley accessions inhabiting Basalt soil3
SRR12720065Basalt59leafwild barley accessions inhabiting Basalt soil2
SRR12720066Basalt59leafwild barley accessions inhabiting Basalt soil1
SRR12720068Basalt63leafwild barley accessions inhabiting Basalt soil2
SRR12720073Terra Rossa169rootwild barley accessions inhabiting Terra Rossa soil1
SRR12720074Terra Rossa166rootwild barley accessions inhabiting Terra Rossa soil3
SRR12720078Terra Rossa161rootwild barley accessions inhabiting Terra Rossa soil2
SRR12720079Terra Rossa161rootwild barley accessions inhabiting Terra Rossa soil1
SRR12720080Terra Rossa110rootwild barley accessions inhabiting Terra Rossa soil3
SRR12720084Terra Rossa109rootwild barley accessions inhabiting Terra Rossa soil3
SRR12720085Terra Rossa109rootwild barley accessions inhabiting Terra Rossa soil2
SRR12720087Basalt99rootwild barley accessions inhabiting Basalt soil3
SRR12720088Basalt99rootwild barley accessions inhabiting Basalt soil2
SRR12720091Basalt76rootwild barley accessions inhabiting Basalt soil2
SRR12720035Basalt60rootwild barley accessions inhabiting Basalt soil3
SRR12720039Terra Rossa169leafwild barley accessions inhabiting Terra Rossa soil2
SRR12720041Terra Rossa166leafwild barley accessions inhabiting Terra Rossa soil3
SRR12720043Terra Rossa166leafwild barley accessions inhabiting Terra Rossa soil1
SRR12720044Terra Rossa161leafwild barley accessions inhabiting Terra Rossa soil3
SRR12720045Terra Rossa161leafwild barley accessions inhabiting Terra Rossa soil2
SRR12720046Terra Rossa161leafwild barley accessions inhabiting Terra Rossa soil1
SRR12720049Terra Rossa110leafwild barley accessions inhabiting Terra Rossa soil2
SRR12720050Terra Rossa110leafwild barley accessions inhabiting Terra Rossa soil1
SRR12720052Terra Rossa109leafwild barley accessions inhabiting Terra Rossa soil2
SRR12720053Terra Rossa109leafwild barley accessions inhabiting Terra Rossa soil1
SRR12720054Basalt99leafwild barley accessions inhabiting Basalt soil3
SRR12720056Basalt99leafwild barley accessions inhabiting Basalt soil1
SRR12720057Basalt76leafwild barley accessions inhabiting Basalt soil3
SRR12720062Basalt60leafwild barley accessions inhabiting Basalt soil2
SRR12720063Basalt60leafwild barley accessions inhabiting Basalt soil1
SRR12720067Basalt63leafwild barley accessions inhabiting Basalt soil3
SRR12720069Basalt63leafwild barley accessions inhabiting Basalt soil1
SRR12720070Basalt59rootwild barley accessions inhabiting Basalt soil1
SRR12720071Terra Rossa169rootwild barley accessions inhabiting Terra Rossa soil3
SRR12720072Terra Rossa169rootwild barley accessions inhabiting Terra Rossa soil2
SRR12720075Terra Rossa166rootwild barley accessions inhabiting Terra Rossa soil2
SRR12720076Terra Rossa166rootwild barley accessions inhabiting Terra Rossa soil1
SRR12720077Terra Rossa161rootwild barley accessions inhabiting Terra Rossa soil3
SRR12720081Basalt63rootwild barley accessions inhabiting Basalt soil3
SRR12720082Terra Rossa110rootwild barley accessions inhabiting Terra Rossa soil2
SRR12720083Terra Rossa110rootwild barley accessions inhabiting Terra Rossa soil1
SRR12720086Terra Rossa109rootwild barley accessions inhabiting Terra Rossa soil1
SRR12720089Basalt99rootwild barley accessions inhabiting Basalt soil1
SRR12720090Basalt76rootwild barley accessions inhabiting Basalt soil3
SRR12720092Basalt63rootwild barley accessions inhabiting Basalt soil2
SRR12720093Basalt63rootwild barley accessions inhabiting Basalt soil1
Run Accession Tissue
SRR15094371Zhenongda no.3leaves
SRR15094372Zhenongda no.2leaves
SRR15094378Beimai no.4leaves
Run Accession Tissue Treatment
Run Age Tissue Replicate
SRR116705196 weeksleaves2
SRR116705206 weeksleaves1
SRR116705216 weeksleaves3
SRR116705226 weeksleaves2
SRR116705236 weeksleaves1
SRR116705246 weeksleaves3
SRR116705256 weeksleaves2
SRR116705266 weeksleaves1
SRR116705276 weeksleaves3
SRR116705286 weeksleaves2
SRR116705306 weeksleaves1
SRR116705316 weeksleaves3
SRR116705326 weeksleaves2
SRR116705336 weeksleaves1
SRR116705346 weeksleaves3
SRR116705356 weeksleaves2
SRR116705366 weeksleaves1
SRR116705376 weeksleaves3
SRR116705386 weeksleaves2
SRR116705396 weeksleaves1
SRR116705416 weeksleaves3
SRR116705426 weeksleaves2
SRR116705436 weeksleaves1
SRR116705446 weeksleaves3
SRR116705456 weeksleaves2
SRR116705466 weeksleaves1
SRR116705476 weeksleaves3
SRR116705486 weeksleaves2
SRR116705496 weeksleaves1
SRR116705506 weeksleaves3
SRR116705526 weeksleaves2
SRR116705536 weeksleaves1
SRR116705546 weeksleaves3
SRR116705556 weeksleaves2
SRR116705566 weeksleaves1
SRR116705576 weeksleaves3
SRR116705586 weeksleaves2
SRR116705596 weeksleaves1
SRR116705606 weeksleaves3
SRR116705616 weeksleaves2
SRR116705636 weeksleaves1
SRR116705646 weeksleaves3
SRR116705656 weeksleaves2
SRR116705666 weeksleaves1
SRR116705676 weeksleaves3
SRR116705686 weeksleaves2
SRR116705696 weeksleaves1
SRR116705706 weeksleaves3
SRR116705716 weeksleaves2
SRR116705726 weeksleaves1
SRR116705746 weeksleaves3
SRR116705756 weeksleaves2
SRR116705766 weeksleaves1
SRR116705776 weeksleaves3
SRR116705786 weeksleaves2
SRR116705796 weeksleaves1
SRR116705806 weeksleaves3
SRR116705816 weeksleaves2
SRR116705826 weeksleaves1
SRR116705836 weeksleaves3
SRR116705856 weeksleaves2
SRR116705866 weeksleaves1
SRR116705876 weeksleaves3
SRR116705886 weeksleaves2
SRR116705896 weeksleaves1
SRR116705906 weeksleaves3
SRR116705916 weeksleaves2
SRR116705926 weeksleaves1
SRR116705936 weeksleaves3
SRR116705986 weeksleaves2
SRR116706106 weeksleaves1
SRR116706216 weeksleaves3
SRR116706326 weeksleaves2
SRR116706436 weeksleaves1
SRR116706546 weeksleaves3
SRR116706656 weeksleaves2
SRR116706766 weeksleaves1
SRR116706876 weeksleaves3
SRR116706986 weeksleaves2
SRR116707096 weeksleaves1
SRR116707216 weeksleaves3
SRR116707326 weeksleaves2
SRR116707436 weeksleaves1
SRR116707676 weeksleaves3
SRR116707686 weeksleaves2
SRR116707696 weeksleaves1
SRR116707706 weeksleaves3
SRR116707716 weeksleaves2
SRR116707726 weeksleaves1
SRR116707736 weeksleaves3
SRR116707746 weeksleaves2
SRR116707756 weeksleaves1
SRR116707776 weeksleaves3
SRR116707786 weeksleaves2
SRR116707796 weeksleaves1
SRR116707806 weeksleaves3
SRR116707816 weeksleaves2
SRR116707826 weeksleaves1
SRR116707836 weeksleaves3
SRR116707846 weeksleaves2
SRR116707856 weeksleaves1
SRR116707866 weeksleaves3
SRR116707886 weeksleaves2
SRR116707896 weeksleaves1
SRR116707906 weeksleaves3
SRR116707916 weeksleaves2
SRR116707926 weeksleaves1
SRR116707936 weeksleaves3
SRR116707946 weeksleaves2
SRR116707956 weeksleaves1
SRR116707966 weeksleaves3
SRR116707976 weeksleaves2
SRR116707996 weeksleaves1
SRR116708006 weeksleaves3
SRR116708016 weeksleaves2
SRR116708026 weeksleaves1
SRR116708036 weeksleaves3
SRR116708046 weeksleaves2
SRR116708056 weeksleaves1
SRR116708066 weeksleaves3
SRR116708076 weeksleaves2
SRR116708086 weeksleaves1
SRR116708106 weeksleaves3
SRR116708116 weeksleaves2
SRR116708126 weeksleaves1
SRR116708136 weeksleaves3
SRR116708146 weeksleaves2
SRR116708156 weeksleaves1
SRR116708166 weeksleaves3
SRR116708176 weeksleaves2
SRR116708186 weeksleaves1
SRR116708196 weeksleaves3
Run Tissue Treatment Replicate
SRR15205040Leaf1 day after rewatering1
SRR15205041Leaf16 days after drought treatment3
SRR15205042Leaf16 days after drought treatment2
SRR15205043Leaf16 days after drought treatment1
SRR15205044Leaf14 days after drought treatment3
SRR15205045Leaf14 days after drought treatment2
SRR15205046Leaf14 days after drought treatment1
SRR15205047Leafcontrol treatment3
SRR15205048Leaf1 day after rewatering3
SRR15205049Leaf1 day after rewatering2
SRR15205050Leafcontrol treatment2
SRR15205051Leafcontrol treatment1
Run Tissue Treatment Replicate
SRR18900247leaf1 day after rewatering1
SRR18900248leafcontrol treatment3
SRR18900249leafcontrol treatment2
SRR18900250leafcontrol treatment1
SRR18900251leaf16 days after drought treatment3
SRR18900252leaf16 days after drought treatment2
SRR18900253leaf1 day after rewatering3
SRR18900254leaf1 day after rewatering2
SRR18900255leaf1 day after rewatering1
SRR18900256leafcontrol treatment3
SRR18900257leafcontrol treatment2
SRR18900258leafcontrol treatment1
SRR18900259leaf16 days after drought treatment1
SRR18900260leaf16 days after drought treatment3
SRR18900261leaf16 days after drought treatment2
SRR18900262leaf16 days after drought treatment1
SRR18900263leaf14 days after drought treatment3
SRR18900264leaf14 days after drought treatment2
SRR18900265leaf14 days after drought treatment1
SRR18900266leaf1 day after rewatering3
SRR18900267leaf1 day after rewatering2
SRR18900268leaf1 day after rewatering1
SRR18900269leafcontrol treatment3
SRR18900270leaf14 days after drought treatment2
SRR18900271leafcontrol treatment2
SRR18900272leafcontrol treatment1
SRR18900273leaf16 days after drought treatment3
SRR18900274leaf16 days after drought treatment2
SRR18900275leaf16 days after drought treatment1
SRR18900276leaf14 days after drought treatment3
SRR18900277leaf14 days after drought treatment2
SRR18900278leaf14 days after drought treatment1
SRR18900279leaf1 day after rewatering3
SRR18900280leaf1 day after rewatering2
SRR18900281leaf14 days after drought treatment2
SRR18900282leaf14 days after drought treatment1
Run Accession Tissue Treatment
SRR6687579HP-34-3the first or second leaves16-19 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687580B1K-21-08the first or second leaves16-20 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687581HID-140the first or second leaves16-21 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687582HID-53the first or second leaves16-22 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687584HID-386the first or second leaves16-23 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687585not collectedthe first or second leaves16-24 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687586HP-20-1the first or second leaves16-25 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687587B1K-41-03the first or second leaves16-26 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687588HID-138the first or second leaves16-27 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687589B1K-04-08the first or second leaves16-28 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687590B1K-49-18the first or second leaves16-29 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687591HID-145the first or second leaves16-30 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687592HID-149the first or second leaves16-31 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687593HID-310the first or second leaves16-32 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687594B1K-06-07the first or second leaves16-33 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687595B1K-34-04the first or second leaves16-34 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687596B1K-33-19the first or second leaves16-35 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687597B1K-36-05the first or second leaves16-36 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687598B1K-13-01the first or second leaves16-37 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687599HID-307the first or second leaves16-38 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687600HID-160the first or second leaves16-39 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687601B1K-21-20the first or second leaves16-40 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687602HID-230the first or second leaves16-41 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687603B1K-05-11the first or second leaves16-42 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687604HP-10-4the first or second leaves16-43 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687605B1K-04-13the first or second leaves16-44 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687606B1K-39-02the first or second leaves16-45 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687607B1K-39-20the first or second leaves16-46 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687608B1K-31-01the first or second leaves16-47 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687609B1K-27-02the first or second leaves16-48 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687610B1K-27-11the first or second leaves16-49 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687611B1K-35-04the first or second leaves16-50 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687612B1K-35-08the first or second leaves16-51 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687613HID-4the first or second leaves16-52 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687614HID-8-1the first or second leaves16-53 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687615B1K-29-20the first or second leaves16-54 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687616B1K-07-02the first or second leaves16-55 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687617HID-308the first or second leaves16-56 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687618HP-15-1the first or second leaves16-57 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687619B1K-28-10the first or second leaves16-58 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687620B1K-21-11the first or second leaves16-59 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687621B1K-15-07the first or second leaves16-60 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687622B1K-32-08the first or second leaves16-61 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687623HID-65the first or second leaves16-62 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687624B1K-12-06the first or second leaves16-63 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687625HID-104the first or second leaves16-64 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687627HID-213the first or second leaves16-65 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687628HID-302the first or second leaves16-66 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687633B1K-11-05the first or second leaves16-67 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687634HID-137the first or second leaves16-68 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
Run Accession Tissue Treatment Replicate
SRR13084408ICB181243Leaf 2controlreplicate 2
SRR13084409ICB181243Leaf 2controlreplicate 1
SRR13084410ScarlettLeaf 2-0.8 MPa osmotic stressreplicate 4
SRR13084411ScarlettLeaf 2-0.8 MPa osmotic stressreplicate 3
SRR13084412ScarlettLeaf 2-0.8 MPa osmotic stressreplicate 2
SRR13084413ScarlettLeaf 2-0.8 MPa osmotic stressreplicate 1
SRR13084414ScarlettLeaf 2controlreplicate 4
SRR13084415ScarlettLeaf 2controlreplicate 3
SRR13084416ICB181243Leaf 2-0.8 MPa osmotic stressreplicate 4
SRR13084417ICB181243Leaf 2-0.8 MPa osmotic stressreplicate 3
SRR13084418ICB181243Leaf 2-0.8 MPa osmotic stressreplicate 2
SRR13084419ICB181243Leaf 2-0.8 MPa osmotic stressreplicate 1
SRR13084420ICB181243Leaf 2controlreplicate 4
SRR13084421ICB181243Leaf 2controlreplicate 3
SRR13084422ScarlettLeaf 2controlreplicate 2
SRR13084423ScarlettLeaf 2controlreplicate 1
Run Tissue Treatment Replicate
SRR1049570Leafsalt stress treatment (500 mmol/L NaCl) was conducted on 14-day-old seedlings for 12 hreplicate 1
SRR1049587Leafsalt stress treatment (500 mmol/L NaCl) was conducted on 14-day-old seedlings for 2 hreplicate 2
SRR1049609Leafsalt stress treatment (500 mmol/L NaCl) was conducted on 14-day-old seedlings for 12 hreplicate 2
SRR1049626Leafsalt stress treatment (500 mmol/L NaCl) was conducted on 14-day-old seedlings for 12 hreplicate 3
SRR1049643Leafsalt stress treatment (500 mmol/L NaCl) was conducted on 14-day-old seedlings for 24 hreplicate 1
SRR1049648Leafsalt stress treatment (500 mmol/L NaCl) was conducted on 14-day-old seedlings for 24 hreplicate 2
SRR1049655Leafsalt stress treatment (500 mmol/L NaCl) was conducted on 14-day-old seedlings for 24 hreplicate 3
SRR1028012Leafsalt stress treatment (500 mmol/L NaCl) was conducted on 14-day-old seedlings for 0 (control)replicate 3
SRR1028011Leafsalt stress treatment (500 mmol/L NaCl) was conducted on 14-day-old seedlings for 0 (control)replicate 2
SRR1055527Leafsalt stress treatment (500 mmol/L NaCl) was conducted on 14-day-old seedlings for 2 hreplicate 1
Run Accession Tissue Treatment
SRR7817910RootZhongsi No.1Plant sample from Hordeum vulgare under salt treatment for 24 h
SRR7817911RootZhongsi No.1Plant sample from Hordeum vulgare under salt treatment for 24 h
SRR7817912RootZhongsi No.1Plant sample from Hordeum vulgare under salt treatment for 24 h
SRR7817913RootZhongsi No.1Plant sample from Hordeum vulgare under salt treatment for 6 h
SRR7817914RootgermplasmPlant sample from Hordeum brevisubulatum under salt treatment for 6 h
SRR7817915RootgermplasmPlant sample from Hordeum brevisubulatum under salt treatment for 24 h
SRR7817916RootgermplasmPlant sample from Hordeum brevisubulatum under salt treatment for 6 h
SRR7817917RootgermplasmPlant sample from Hordeum brevisubulatum under salt treatment for 6 h
SRR7817918RootgermplasmPlant sample from Hordeum brevisubulatum under salt treatment for 1 h
SRR7817919RootgermplasmPlant sample from Hordeum brevisubulatum under salt treatment for 1 h
SRR7817920RootgermplasmPlant sample from Hordeum brevisubulatum under normal condition
SRR7817921RootgermplasmPlant sample from Hordeum brevisubulatum under salt treatment for 1 h
SRR7817922RootgermplasmPlant sample from Hordeum brevisubulatum under normal condition
SRR7817923RootgermplasmPlant sample from Hordeum brevisubulatum under normal condition
SRR7817924RootZhongsi No.1Plant sample from Hordeum vulgare under salt treatment for 1 h
SRR7817925RootZhongsi No.1Plant sample from Hordeum vulgare under salt treatment for 1 h
SRR7817926RootZhongsi No.1Plant sample from Hordeum vulgare under normal condition
SRR7817927RootZhongsi No.1Plant sample from Hordeum vulgare under salt treatment for 1 h
SRR7817928RootZhongsi No.1Plant sample from Hordeum vulgare under normal condition
SRR7817929RootZhongsi No.1Plant sample from Hordeum vulgare under normal condition
SRR7817930RootgermplasmPlant sample from Hordeum brevisubulatum under salt treatment for 24 h
SRR7817931RootgermplasmPlant sample from Hordeum brevisubulatum under salt treatment for 24 h
SRR7817932RootZhongsi No.1Plant sample from Hordeum vulgare under salt treatment for 6 h
SRR7817933RootZhongsi No.1Plant sample from Hordeum vulgare under salt treatment for 6 h
SRR6687604HP-10-4the first or second leaves16-43 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687605B1K-04-13the first or second leaves16-44 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687606B1K-39-02the first or second leaves16-45 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687608B1K-31-01the first or second leaves16-47 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687609B1K-27-02the first or second leaves16-48 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687610B1K-27-11the first or second leaves16-49 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687611B1K-35-04the first or second leaves16-50 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687612B1K-35-08the first or second leaves16-51 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687613HID-4the first or second leaves16-52 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687614HID-8-1the first or second leaves16-53 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687615B1K-29-20the first or second leaves16-54 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687616B1K-07-02the first or second leaves16-55 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687617HID-308the first or second leaves16-56 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687618HP-15-1the first or second leaves16-57 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687619B1K-28-10the first or second leaves16-58 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687620B1K-21-11the first or second leaves16-59 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687621B1K-15-07the first or second leaves16-60 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687622B1K-32-08the first or second leaves16-61 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687623HID-65the first or second leaves16-62 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687624B1K-12-06the first or second leaves16-63 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687625HID-104the first or second leaves16-64 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687627HID-213the first or second leaves16-65 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687628HID-302the first or second leaves16-66 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687633B1K-11-05the first or second leaves16-67 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
SRR6687634HID-137the first or second leaves16-68 hours after inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) conidiospores
Run Accession Treatment Replicate
SRR9077061ICB181243seminal root Stress -0.8 MPa Zone A1 (osmotic stress )1
SRR9077062ICB181243seminal root Stress -0.8 MPa Zone A2 (osmotic stress )2
SRR9077063ICB181243seminal root Control Zone C33
SRR9077064ICB181243seminal root Control Zone C44
SRR9077065ICB181243seminal root Stress -0.8 MPa Zone C4 (osmotic stress )4
SRR9077066ICB181243seminal root Stress -0.8 MPa Zone C3 (osmotic stress )3
SRR9077067ICB181243seminal root Stress -0.8 MPa Zone C2 (osmotic stress )2
SRR9077068ICB181243seminal root Stress -0.8 MPa Zone C1 (osmotic stress )1
SRR9077069ICB181243seminal root Control Zone B33
SRR9077070ICB181243seminal root Control Zone B44
SRR9077071ICB181243seminal root Control Zone B11
SRR9077072ICB181243seminal root Control Zone B22
SRR9077073ICB181243seminal root Control Zone A33
SRR9077074ICB181243seminal root Control Zone A44
SRR9077075ICB181243seminal root Control Zone A11
SRR9077076ICB181243seminal root Control Zone A22
SRR9077077ICB181243seminal root Control Zone C11
SRR9077078ICB181243seminal root Control Zone C22
SRR9077079ICB181243seminal root Stress -0.8 MPa Zone B3 (osmotic stress )3
SRR9077080ICB181243seminal root Stress -0.8 MPa Zone B4 (osmotic stress )4
SRR9077081ICB181243seminal root Stress -0.8 MPa Zone B1 (osmotic stress )1
SRR9077082ICB181243seminal root Stress -0.8 MPa Zone B2 (osmotic stress )2
SRR9077083ICB181243seminal root Stress -0.8 MPa Zone A3 (osmotic stress )3
SRR9077084ICB181243seminal root Stress -0.8 MPa Zone A4 (osmotic stress )4
Run Tissue Lat_Lon Treatment Replicate
SRR14492484Leaf29.41 N 91.10 ETwenty-day-old seedlings of susceptible cultivated qingke accession were infected with the Bgh race and the disease phenotype and symptoms were monitored at 72 hpi.replicate1
SRR14492485Leaf29.41 N 91.9 ETwenty-day-old seedlings of susceptible cultivated qingke accession were infected with the Bgh race and the disease phenotype and symptoms were monitored at 36 hpi.replicate3
SRR14492486Leaf29.41 N 91.8 ETwenty-day-old seedlings of susceptible cultivated qingke accession were infected with the Bgh race and the disease phenotype and symptoms were monitored at 36 hpi.replicate2
SRR14492487Leaf29.41 N 91.7 ETwenty-day-old seedlings of susceptible cultivated qingke accession were infected with the Bgh race and the disease phenotype and symptoms were monitored at 36 hpi.replicate1
SRR14492488Leaf29.41 N 91.6 ETwenty-day-old seedlings of susceptible cultivated qingke accession were infected with the Bgh race and the disease phenotype and symptoms were monitored at 6 hpi.replicate3
SRR14492489Leaf29.41 N 91.5 ETwenty-day-old seedlings of susceptible cultivated qingke accession were infected with the Bgh race and the disease phenotype and symptoms were monitored at 6 hpi.replicate2
SRR14492490Leaf29.41 N 91.4 ETwenty-day-old seedlings of susceptible cultivated qingke accession were infected with the Bgh race and the disease phenotype and symptoms were monitored at 6 hpi.replicate1
SRR14492491Leaf29.41 N 91.30 ETwenty-day-old seedlings of resistant cultivated qingke accession were infected with the Bgh race and the disease phenotype and symptoms were monitored at 168 hpi.replicate3
SRR14492492Leaf29.41 N 91.29 ETwenty-day-old seedlings of resistant cultivated qingke accession were infected with the Bgh race and the disease phenotype and symptoms were monitored at 168 hpi.replicate2
SRR14492493Leaf29.41 N 91.28 ETwenty-day-old seedlings of resistant cultivated qingke accession were infected with the Bgh race and the disease phenotype and symptoms were monitored at 168 hpi.replicate1
SRR14492494Leaf29.41 N 91.27 ETwenty-day-old seedlings of resistant cultivated qingke accession were infected with the Bgh race and the disease phenotype and symptoms were monitored at 72 hpi.replicate3
SRR14492495Leaf29.41 N 91.26 ETwenty-day-old seedlings of resistant cultivated qingke accession were infected with the Bgh race and the disease phenotype and symptoms were monitored at 72 hpi.replicate2
SRR14492496Leaf29.41 N 91.25 ETwenty-day-old seedlings of resistant cultivated qingke accession were infected with the Bgh race and the disease phenotype and symptoms were monitored at 72 hpi.replicate1
SRR14492497Leaf29.41 N 91.24 ETwenty-day-old seedlings of resistant cultivated qingke accession were infected with the Bgh race and the disease phenotype and symptoms were monitored at 36 hpi.replicate3
SRR14492498Leaf29.41 N 91.23 ETwenty-day-old seedlings of resistant cultivated qingke accession were infected with the Bgh race and the disease phenotype and symptoms were monitored at 36 hpi.replicate2
SRR14492499Leaf29.41 N 91.22 ETwenty-day-old seedlings of resistant cultivated qingke accession were infected with the Bgh race and the disease phenotype and symptoms were monitored at 36 hpi.replicate1
SRR14492500Leaf29.41 N 91.21 ETwenty-day-old seedlings of resistant cultivated qingke accession were infected with the Bgh race and the disease phenotype and symptoms were monitored at 6 hpi.replicate3
SRR14492501Leaf29.41 N 91.3 ETwenty-day-old seedlings of susceptible cultivated qingke accession were infected with the Bgh race and the disease phenotype and symptoms were monitored at 0 hpi.replicate3
SRR14492502Leaf29.41 N 91.20 ETwenty-day-old seedlings of resistant cultivated qingke accession were infected with the Bgh race and the disease phenotype and symptoms were monitored at 6 hpi.replicate2
SRR14492503Leaf29.41 N 91.19 ETwenty-day-old seedlings of resistant cultivated qingke accession were infected with the Bgh race and the disease phenotype and symptoms were monitored at 6 hpi.replicate1
SRR14492504Leaf29.41 N 91.18 ETwenty-day-old seedlings of resistant cultivated qingke accession were infected with the Bgh race and the disease phenotype and symptoms were monitored at 0 hpi.replicate3
SRR14492505Leaf29.41 N 91.17 ETwenty-day-old seedlings of resistant cultivated qingke accession were infected with the Bgh race and the disease phenotype and symptoms were monitored at 0 hpi.replicate2
SRR14492506Leaf29.41 N 91.16 ETwenty-day-old seedlings of resistant cultivated qingke accession were infected with the Bgh race and the disease phenotype and symptoms were monitored at 0 hpi.replicate1
SRR14492507Leaf29.41 N 91.15 ETwenty-day-old seedlings of susceptible cultivated qingke accession were infected with the Bgh race and the disease phenotype and symptoms were monitored at 168 hpi.replicate3
SRR14492508Leaf29.41 N 91.14 ETwenty-day-old seedlings of susceptible cultivated qingke accession were infected with the Bgh race and the disease phenotype and symptoms were monitored at 168 hpi.replicate2
SRR14492509Leaf29.41 N 91.13 ETwenty-day-old seedlings of susceptible cultivated qingke accession were infected with the Bgh race and the disease phenotype and symptoms were monitored at 168 hpi.replicate1
SRR14492510Leaf29.41 N 91.12 ETwenty-day-old seedlings of susceptible cultivated qingke accession were infected with the Bgh race and the disease phenotype and symptoms were monitored at 72 hpi.replicate3
SRR14492511Leaf29.41 N 91.11 ETwenty-day-old seedlings of susceptible cultivated qingke accession were infected with the Bgh race and the disease phenotype and symptoms were monitored at 72 hpi.replicate2
SRR14492512Leaf29.41 N 91.2 ETwenty-day-old seedlings of susceptible cultivated qingke accession were infected with the Bgh race and the disease phenotype and symptoms were monitored at 0 hpi.replicate2
SRR14492513Leaf29.41 N 91.1 ETwenty-day-old seedlings of susceptible cultivated qingke accession were infected with the Bgh race and the disease phenotype and symptoms were monitored at 0 hpi.replicate1
Run Tissue Treatment Replicate
SRR9201534RootCKreplicate 1
SRR9201535RootCKreplicate 2
SRR9201536RootCKreplicate 3
SRR9201537RootSALTreplicate 1
SRR9201538RootSALTreplicate 2
SRR9201539RootSALTreplicate 3
SRR9201546ShootCKreplicate 1
SRR9201547ShootCKreplicate 2
SRR9201548ShootCKreplicate 3
SRR9201549ShootSALTreplicate 1
SRR9201550ShootSALTreplicate 2
SRR9201551ShootSALTreplicate 3
Run Accession Tissue Treatment Replicate
ERR1994852MorexshootThe chamber was set to cycle between 20oC for 12 hours and 18oC for the next 12 hours, and the soil was kept moist by gently spraying with water every 72 hours. Sampling was done at 10 am under light.1
ERR1994853MorexshootThe chamber was set to cycle between 20oC for 12 hours and 18oC for the next 12 hours, and the soil was kept moist by gently spraying with water every 72 hours. Sampling was done at 10 am under light.2
ERR1994854MorexshootThe chamber was set to cycle between 20oC for 12 hours and 18oC for the next 12 hours, and the soil was kept moist by gently spraying with water every 72 hours. Sampling was done at 10 am under light.3
ERR1994855MorexshootThe chamber was set to cycle between 20oC for 12 hours and 18oC for the next 12 hours, and the soil was kept moist by gently spraying with water every 72 hours. Sampling was done at about 7.30 pm under green lights.1
ERR1994856MorexshootThe chamber was set to cycle between 20oC for 12 hours and 18oC for the next 12 hours, and the soil was kept moist by gently spraying with water every 72 hours. Sampling was done at about 7.30 pm under green lights.2
ERR1994857MorexshootThe chamber was set to cycle between 20oC for 12 hours and 18oC for the next 12 hours, and the soil was kept moist by gently spraying with water every 72 hours. Sampling was done at about 7.30 pm under green lights.3
Run Accession Tissue
ERR8105249HEB15_124_52root structure
ERR8105250HEB15_124_17root structure
ERR8105251Barkeroot structure
ERR8105252HEB15_124_52root structure
ERR8105253Barkeroot structure
ERR8105254HEB15_124_17root structure
ERR8105255Barkeroot structure
ERR8105256HEB15_124_17root structure
ERR8105257HEB15_124_52root structure
ERR8105258HEB15_124_52root structure
ERR8105259HEB15_124_17root structure
ERR8105260HEB15_124_17root structure
ERR8105261Barkeroot structure
ERR8105262HEB15_124_52root structure
ERR8105263Barkeroot structure
Run Stage Treatment
SRR16989364three-leaf stageBarcult2(control)
SRR16989365three-leaf stageBarcult1(control)
SRR16989366three-leaf stageBarcult2(Salt-treated)
SRR16989367three-leaf stageBarcult1(Salt-treated)
SRR16989368three-leaf stageBarspon2(control)
SRR16989369three-leaf stageBarspon1(control)
SRR16989370three-leaf stageBarspon2(Salt-treated)
SRR16989371three-leaf stageBarspon1(Salt-treated)
Run Accession Stage Tissue Replicate
ERR9218703BowmanMaximum yield potentialApicalbiorep1
ERR9218704BowmanMaximum yield potentialApicalbiorep2
ERR9218705BowmanMaximum yield potentialApicalbiorep3
ERR9218709BowmanAbortion initation stageApicalbiorep1
ERR9218710BowmanAbortion initation stageApicalbiorep2
ERR9218711BowmanAbortion initation stageApicalbiorep3
ERR9218712BowmanMaximum yield potentialCentralbiorep1
ERR9218713BowmanMaximum yield potentialCentralbiorep2
ERR9218714BowmanMaximum yield potentialCentralbiorep3
ERR9218718BowmanAbortion initation stageCentralbiorep1
ERR9218719BowmanAbortion initation stageCentralbiorep2
ERR9218720BowmanAbortion initation stageCentralbiorep3
ERR9218721BowmanMaximum yield potentialBasalbiorep1
ERR9218722BowmanMaximum yield potentialBasalbiorep2
ERR9218723BowmanMaximum yield potentialBasalbiorep3
ERR9218727BowmanAbortion initation stageBasalbiorep1
ERR9218728BowmanAbortion initation stageBasalbiorep2
ERR9218729BowmanAbortion initation stageBasalbiorep3
ERR9218730MorexMaximum yield potentialApicalbiorep1
ERR9218731MorexMaximum yield potentialApicalbiorep2
ERR9218732MorexMaximum yield potentialApicalbiorep3
ERR9218736MorexAbortion initation stageApicalbiorep1
ERR9218737MorexAbortion initation stageApicalbiorep2
ERR9218738MorexAbortion initation stageApicalbiorep3
ERR9218739MorexMaximum yield potentialCentralbiorep1
ERR9218740MorexMaximum yield potentialCentralbiorep2
ERR9218741MorexMaximum yield potentialCentralbiorep3
ERR9218745MorexAbortion initation stageCentralbiorep1
ERR9218746MorexAbortion initation stageCentralbiorep2
ERR9218747MorexAbortion initation stageCentralbiorep3
ERR9218748MorexMaximum yield potentialBasalbiorep1
ERR9218749MorexMaximum yield potentialBasalbiorep2
ERR9218750MorexMaximum yield potentialBasalbiorep3
ERR9218754MorexAbortion initation stageBasalbiorep1
ERR9218755MorexAbortion initation stageBasalbiorep2
ERR9218756MorexAbortion initation stageBasalbiorep3
Run Tissue Treatment Replicate
SRR17234918leafcold stress 0h-11
SRR17234917leafcold stress 0h-12
SRR17234916leafcold stress 0h-13
SRR17200387leafcold stress 168h1
SRR17200386leafcold stress 168h2
SRR17200385leafcold stress 168h3
SRR17200390leafcold stress 24h1
SRR17200389leafcold stress 24h2
SRR17200388leafcold stress 24h3
SRR17200394leafcold stress 2h1
SRR17200393leafcold stress 2h2
SRR17200391leafcold stress 2h3
Run Accession Tissue Replicate
SRR15722930Hu 1154lodicule41
SRR15722931Hu 1154lodicule33
SRR15722932Hu 1154lodicule32
SRR15722933Hu 1154lodicule31
SRR15722934Hu 1154lodicule23
SRR15722935Hu 1154lodicule22
SRR15722936Hu 1154lodicule21
SRR15722937Hu 1154lodicule1
SRR15722938Hu 1154pistils3
SRR15722939Hu 1154pistils2
SRR15722940Hu 1154pistils1
SRR15722941Hu 1154anthers1
SRR15722942Hu 1154glumes3
SRR15722943Hu 1154rachises1
SRR15722944Hu 1154leaves1
SRR15722945Hu 1154stems3
SRR15722946Hu 1154lodicule13
SRR15722947Hu 1154stems1
SRR15722948Hu 1154roots3
SRR15722949Hu 1154lodicule63
SRR15722950Hu 1154lodicule62
SRR15722951Hu 1154lodicule61
SRR15722952Hu 1154lodicule53
SRR15722953Hu 1154lodicule52
SRR15722954Hu 1154lodicule51
SRR15722955Hu 1154lodicule43
SRR15722956Hu 1154lodicule42
SRR15722957Hu 1154lodicule12
SRR15722958Hu 1154lodicule11
Run Accession Tissue Treatment Replicate
ERR3564266Bowmanleafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_36h1
ERR3564267Bowmanleafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_36h2
ERR3564270Bowmanleafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_40h1
ERR3564271Bowmanleafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_40h2
ERR3564272Bowmanleafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_44h1
ERR3564273Bowmanleafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_44h2
ERR3564274Bowmanleafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_48h1
ERR3564275Bowmanleafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_48h2
ERR3564276Bowmanleafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_52h1
ERR3564277Bowmanleafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_52h2
ERR3564278Bowmanleafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_56h1
ERR3564279Bowmanleafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_56h2
ERR3564280Bowmanleafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_60h1
ERR3564281Bowmanleafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_60h2
ERR3564282Bowmanleafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_64h1
ERR3564283Bowmanleafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_64h2
ERR3564284Bowmanleafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_68h1
ERR3564285Bowmanleafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_68h2
ERR3564286Bowmanleafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_72h1
ERR3564287Bowmanleafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_72h2
ERR3564306BW284leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_36h1
ERR3564307BW284leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_36h2
ERR3564308BW284leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_40h1
ERR3564309BW284leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_40h2
ERR3564310BW284leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_44h1
ERR3564311BW284leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_44h2
ERR3564312BW284leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_48h1
ERR3564313BW284leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_48h2
ERR3564314BW284leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_52h1
ERR3564315BW284leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_52h2
ERR3564316BW284leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_56h1
ERR3564317BW284leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_56h2
ERR3564318BW284leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_60h1
ERR3564319BW284leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_60h2
ERR3564320BW284leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_64h1
ERR3564321BW284leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_64h2
ERR3564322BW284leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_68h1
ERR3564323BW284leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_68h2
ERR3564324BW284leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_72h1
ERR3564325BW284leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_72h2
ERR3564342BW287leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_36h1
ERR3564343BW287leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_36h2
ERR3564344BW287leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_40h1
ERR3564345BW287leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_40h2
ERR3564346BW287leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_44h1
ERR3564347BW287leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_44h2
ERR3564348BW287leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_48h1
ERR3564349BW287leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_48h2
ERR3564350BW287leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_52h1
ERR3564351BW287leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_52h2
ERR3564352BW287leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_56h1
ERR3564353BW287leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_56h2
ERR3564354BW287leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_60h1
ERR3564355BW287leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_60h2
ERR3564356BW287leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_64h1
ERR3564357BW287leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_64h2
ERR3564358BW287leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_68h1
ERR3564359BW287leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_68h2
ERR3564360BW287leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_72h1
ERR3564361BW287leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_72h2
ERR3564374BW290leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_36h1
ERR3564375BW290leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_36h2
ERR3564378BW290leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_40h1
ERR3564379BW290leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_40h2
ERR3564380BW290leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_44h1
ERR3564381BW290leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_44h2
ERR3564382BW290leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_48h1
ERR3564383BW290leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_48h2
ERR3564384BW290leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_52h1
ERR3564385BW290leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_52h2
ERR3564386BW290leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_56h1
ERR3564387BW290leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_56h2
ERR3564388BW290leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_60h1
ERR3564389BW290leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_60h2
ERR3564390BW290leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_64h1
ERR3564391BW290leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_64h2
ERR3564392BW290leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_68h1
ERR3564393BW290leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_68h2
ERR3564394BW290leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_72h1
ERR3564395BW290leafcontinuous light regimen_20℃_72h2
Run Accession Tissue Treatment Replicate
SRR12817183BowmanAwn Primordium (W5)AP_Bowman_33
SRR12817186BowmanStamen primordium (W3.5)StP_Bowman_33
SRR12817189int-m.1a NILStamen primordium (W3.5)StP2_intm1a_33
SRR12817192int-m.85 NILStamen primordium (W3.5)StP2_intm85_33
SRR12817195BowmanStamen primordium (W3.5)StP2_Bowman_33
SRR12817197BowmanStamen primordium (W3.5)StP2_Bowman_11
SRR12817200int-m.85 NILAwn Primordium (W5)AP_intm85_33
SRR12817201int-m.85 NILAwn Primordium (W5)AP_intm85_22
SRR12817205int-m.85 NILStamen primordium (W3.5)StP_intm85_11
SRR12817207int-m.85 NILdouble ridge (W2)DR_intm85_22
SRR12817209BowmanAwn Primordium (W5)AP_Bowman_44
SRR12817211Bowmandouble ridge (W2)DR_Bowman_11
SRR12823618int-m.85 NILdouble ridge (W2)D12_intm85_33
SRR12823619int-m.85 NILdouble ridge (W2)D12_intm85_22
SRR12823620int-m.85 NILdouble ridge (W2)D12_intm85_11
SRR12823621int-m.1a NILdouble ridge (W2)D12_intm1a_44
SRR12823622int-m.1a NILdouble ridge (W2)D12_intm1a_33
SRR12823623int-m.1a NILdouble ridge (W2)D12_intm1a_22
SRR12823624int-m.85 NILStamen primordium (StP)D21_intm85_44
SRR12823625int-m.85 NILStamen primordium (StP)D21_intm85_33
SRR12823626int-m.85 NILStamen primordium (StP)D21_intm85_22
SRR12823627Bowmandouble ridge (W2)D12_Bowman_44
SRR12823628int-m.85 NILStamen primordium (StP)D21_intm85_11
SRR12823629int-m.1a NILStamen primordium (StP)D21_intm1a_44
SRR12823630int-m.1a NILStamen primordium (StP)D21_intm1a_33
SRR12823631int-m.1a NILStamen primordium (StP)D21_intm1a_22
SRR12823632int-m.1a NILStamen primordium (StP)D21_intm1a_11
SRR12823633BowmanStamen primordium (StP)D21_Bowman_44
SRR12823634BowmanStamen primordium (StP)D21_Bowman_33
SRR12823635BowmanStamen primordium (StP)D21_Bowman_22
SRR12823636BowmanStamen primordium (StP)D21_Bowman_11
SRR12823637int-m.85 NILTriple mound-spikelet meristem (TM-SM)D16_intm85_44
SRR12823638Bowmandouble ridge (W2)D12_Bowman_33
SRR12823639int-m.85 NILTriple mound-spikelet meristem (TM-SM)D16_intm85_33
SRR12823640int-m.85 NILTriple mound-spikelet meristem (TM-SM)D16_intm85_22
SRR12823641int-m.85 NILTriple mound-spikelet meristem (TM-SM)D16_intm85_11
SRR12823642int-m.1a NILTriple mound-spikelet meristem (TM-SM)D16_intm1a_44
SRR12823643int-m.1a NILTriple mound-spikelet meristem (TM-SM)D16_intm1a_33
SRR12823644int-m.1a NILTriple mound-spikelet meristem (TM-SM)D16_intm1a_22
SRR12823645int-m.1a NILTriple mound-spikelet meristem (TM-SM)D16_intm1a_11
SRR12823646BowmanTriple mound-spikelet meristem (TM-SM)D16_Bowman_33
SRR12823647BowmanTriple mound-spikelet meristem (TM-SM)D16_Bowman_11
SRR12823648int-m.85 NILdouble ridge (W2)D12_intm85_44
SRR12823649Bowmandouble ridge (W2)D12_Bowman_22
SRR12823650Bowmandouble ridge (W2)D12_Bowman_11
SRR12817184BowmanAwn Primordium (W5)AP_Bowman_11
SRR12817185BowmanStamen primordium (W3.5)StP_Bowman_44
SRR12817187BowmanStamen primordium (W3.5)StP_Bowman_22
SRR12817188BowmanStamen primordium (W3.5)StP_Bowman_11
SRR12817190int-m.1a NILStamen primordium (W3.5)StP2_intm1a_22
SRR12817191int-m.1a NILStamen primordium (W3.5)StP2_intm1a_11
SRR12817193int-m.85 NILStamen primordium (W3.5)StP2_intm85_22
SRR12817194int-m.85 NILStamen primordium (W3.5)StP2_intm85_11
SRR12817196BowmanStamen primordium (W3.5)StP2_Bowman_22
SRR12817198Bowmandouble ridge (W2)DR_Bowman_33
SRR12817199BowmanAwn Primordium (W5)AP_Bowman_22
SRR12817202int-m.85 NILAwn Primordium (W5)AP_intm85_11
SRR12817203int-m.85 NILStamen primordium (W3.5)StP_intm85_33
SRR12817204int-m.85 NILStamen primordium (W3.5)StP_intm85_22
SRR12817206int-m.85 NILdouble ridge (W2)DR_intm85_33
SRR12817208int-m.85 NILdouble ridge (W2)DR_intm85_11
SRR12817210Bowmandouble ridge (W2)DR_Bowman_22